Lachlan and Preston

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Lachlan's POV                                           It was hilarious to see Preston's reaction to my scare. He screamed like a little girl. We ran out of Rob's room before they could do any thing else to us. But I ended up running into Mitch and falling into my butt."Im so sorry!" I said." It's fine"Mitch said. He held out his hand and I grabbed it and he pulled me up. Vikk was now where in sight but we heard squealing. Mitch,Jerome,and I walked around the corner to see Rob and Preston tickling Vikk who was squealing and squirming around and trying to get away from their grip. "S-s-stop I-it!" Vikk said while laughing. They final stopped and Vikk got up and ran towards me and engulfed me in a gigantic bear hug pushing me into the wall. I hugged him back but not as tight as him. I looked at the boys who were staring at us and I looked at them with the "I don't know eyes"."Vikklan!" They all said at the same time causing me to blush. Vikk pulled out of the hug and gave me a peck on the lips and walking me away,leaving me blushing like mad. The boys looked at me with shock and I was standing their with wide eyes."That was awkward" Rob said breaking some of the awkwardness in the room. I walked into my room and just sat on the bed going over the events just happened. A smile tugged at my lips." Why are you so happy?" I looked up to see Vikk leaning on the door way." I'm not allowed to smile?" I asked."Your allowed to smile but I want to knowing what you are smiling about!" Vikk asked." I'm not going to tell you." I said. I wasn't going to tell him I just wanted to see him beg for me to tell him."Can you please tell me?" He asked. "Nope!" I said."Pretty please?" He said batting his eyelashes."Vikk I said-" I was saying until Vikk slammed the door shut and grabbed one of my t-shirts and he pounced on me pinning me down on the bed and tying my t-shirt around my mouth and pinning my  hands down above my head.What"Vikk what are you doing?" Came out like"Vkddhsjwhaydkdkdksj?" He looked at me and then started to flick my nose. After a while he stopped flicking my nose and started tickle me. I started to squirm since I hate being tickled. I got out of his grip and rand down stairs untying my t shirt and throwing it at Vikk while I ran away from him."Get back here Power!" Vikk yelled at me. I could here anger in his voice for some reason. I stopped and turned around. Vikk grabbed my neck and pulled me down for a kiss. It was a short one but it was a good one."Hey boys want to play truth or dare?!" Preston and Rob yell at us.I shake me head no really fast."You are playing with us wether you like it or not" Vikk whisper yells. He grabs my hand and starts to pull me downstairs."Vikk I don't want to!" I whined as he pulled me into the living room. I put a pouty face and crossed my arms as Vikk pushed me onto the ground and sat on me. I tried to get up but I am still a little too weak from the hospital. " Vikk get off me!" I said to him and tried to push him off. Preston and Rob came in."Rob Preston can you get Vikk off of me please mates?" I ask still trying to push Vikk off of me.They start to laugh and then they pulled out there phones. Vikk gave me a evil smirk and then kissed me. I heard a snap and my face went bright red. "You little jags!" I said to them.                                                             Vikk's POV*TimeSkipToMorning*  I woke up and the house was really quite. I checked the time and it was 12:03. Woah! Did I really sleep in that late well I guess I did. I got out of bed and looked around the house. I found everyone but Lachlan and Preston in the house. That's really weird. Hmmmm. Where could they have gone.                                                               ----------------------------------------------A/N                                                               As you can probably tell. I got a new book cover! I hope you like it. I didn't really like the last own so I changed it. Also this book is going to come to a end pretty soon. I don't want to end it but I am due to reasons. The reasons are that I am running out of ideas for this book. And second I need to start to focus on my new book The Five Emotions. So that's it for today see you later -👻Ghostie👻

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