Battle Scars*Trigger Warning*

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---(Lachlan's P.O.V)----------------------- I started breathing fast. I calmed myself down though. We walked to the front door. Preston took his key to the front door.Click! The front door swung open. Preston and Rob went in first. I followed. As soon as I walked in I was glomped.(If you don't watch Swoozie you probably don't know what it is. It is basically were someone runs and jumps on you and you didn't know what happened. And they throw all their wait on you) I stumbled backwards and fell on my back."Ow" I said sarcastically."Sorry!" I heard Vikk say. So it was Vikk. I sat up and got on my feet. This time I got a hug that was very gentle not as harsh as last one. I wrapped my arms around whoever it was that hugged me.I pull away after he hit my wound. I was soon after that I was in a group hug. "Oh my god Lachlan you had us worried sick!" Vikk said. After everyone pulled away Preston and Rob it was a good idea to have a group chat to catch up on things since this whole thing started. We went up to Preston's room. His parents were away on a business trip so they wouldn't be home for my about another month or two. We sat down on Preston's floor. We were in a circle. Vikk and Preston were sitting next to me. "Okay as you all know Lachlan was in the hospital for a few days. He had surgery and now his wound is probably not going to open up anymore. The doctor talked to Rob and I and she said that Lachlan has Clinical Depression. He is very fragile physically and mentally se we have to keep an eye on him. Any suspicious moving ask him what he is doing. I think Lachlan is a very bad liar. So it will probably be very easy to tell that Lachlan is up to no good!" Preston finished his speech. "Wow is he that stupid? I have been literally been lying straight to your face for a year about me having depression and blah blah blah. And he still thinks I am a horrible liar. Putting on a smile each day that destroys me even more each time that I said I was fine. Forcing a laugh to try and prove to you that I was happy and not depressed. Cutting myself each day. Not feeling happiness ever since the day that my mother died!" I thought to myself. I must have been distracted by thoughts for quite some time because I snapped out of it when Vikk was snapping his fingers in front of my face. "Are you okay? Because you were spaced out for quite some time their Lachy." Preston said. I plastered a fake smile on my face and said" I'm fine just thinking about things. "I say. "What kind of stuff?" Preston asked." Things that an Aussie would think of." I responded."And what is that?"Preston asked."I can only tell Aussies or else I will be a criminal!" I replied."Fine" Preston says in defeat. We all burst out in laughter until my sides hurt literally. I grab my wound and stop laughing. Everyone keeps on laughing and by the time their done my side starts to hurt even worse."Lachlan?"Vikk says. I shake my head yes."Does your side hurt?" He asks. I shake my head yes rapidly. By this time everyone else is engaged into a conversation and totally ignoring the severe pain that I am having. Well at least I have Vikk. Finally the pain went away. I feel something start to bled on my arm. I sneak a peek and one of my cuts reopened again."Preston?" I ask. "Yes?" He replies. "Do you have band-aids?" I ask. "Yeah follow me." He says. We walk downstairs to the kitchen to a cupboard. He opens it up and tries to get to the top shelf. I look up and see a package of band-aids up their. I move him out of the way and get it with ease."Thanks" I say to him. I open up the band-aids box and pull out a blue one.I wait for him to go back upstairs before rolling up my sleeve and finding the one that reopened. It was one that was on the middle of my forearm. I was putting the box back up and opening the band-aid back when I heard a gasp. I look over to see Vikk standing over their. "Promise me you won't do this again." He grabs my arm causing my to flinch. He gave me puppy dog eyes and ran a finger over some scars. "I promise.If only you don't tell the others how bad it is!"I say. I did this only because he was my best friend and I liked him a little bit. "Good!" He says turning on his heels and walking up stairs. I put the band-aid on and went upstairs. "What am I forgetting?" I think as I stand outside Preston's door. "Oh yeah! I have to roll down my sleeve. That would have been a disaster!" I thought to myself as I rolled down my sleeve and I was about to walk into the room until I heard my name inside of the room. "I went down stairs and he had his sleeve rolled up and he was trying to open a band-aid. He had rows and rows of scars new and old. It was terrible!I made him promise me that he wouldn't cut anymore." Vikk said. Tears filled my eyes as he said this he broke my promise and I will break his. I headed towards the bathroom. *Trigger" Warning!* I opened up the door and stepped in and locked the door. I flicked the switch on with my pinkie and took out the blade that I had kept in my pocket. I rolled up my left sleeve to reveal hundreds of scars. Old and new. The newer ones were the deepest and the longest. I took the blade to my wrist. One for liars, one for my mom, five for my friends, two for me. I stopped their. I flushed the toilet so they wouldn't be suspicious. I turned the faucet on and washed all of the blood off. *End of Trigger Warning*. I rolled my sleeve down and slipped the blade back into my pocket. I unlocked the door and went out to reveal Vikk and Preston standing their. "What were you doing?" Preston asked his voice and gaze serious."Using the bathroom." I replied "let me see your arm." He commanded. Little did he know both of my arms were covered in battle scars. I have him the one that I didn't just cut on. He looked at me thankfully and I gave him a fake smile. ----------------------------------------------A/N Oh my god! We got a hundred reads! I am so happy. Thank you all for reading,voting,and commenting. It's not much but it means the world to me. So this was the first chapter that I had a trigger warning on. I might do more but I don't know. Sorry if it wasn't that good. I have been getting some writers block and I can't think of what to do for the next chapters. So it would be awesome if you could leave some ideas for the next couple of chapters. This was a long chapter so I might not update for a couple of days. I am going to start asking questions in the authors notes. And if you ever need to talk to someone you can always message me! Qotd: What's your favorite color? Aotd: Blue. And you can also suggest questions too.See you next chapter! -👻Ghostie👻

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