Opened wounds

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----------------(Lachlan's P.O.V)----------I woke up on Preston's bed. I opened my eyes but quickly shut them. It was too bright. I heard murmuring."Should we take him to the doctors?" I heard Jerome day."No" Mitch said."I fell bad for Vikk." Preston said. By this time I still had my eyes closed listing to the conversation. "Why?" They all asked at different times."Vikk come here!" Preston shouted. I heard footsteps and then a door open."Is it okay if I tell them?" Preston asked. "Yes" Vikk says."Well do you guys know how Vikk is gay?" Preston asked. I heard nothing so I guess they shook their heads. "Well he has a crush on little Lachy." Preston said."Vikklan!" Mitch and Rob yelled at the same time. They all burst out into fits of laughter I opened my eyes and sit up they didn't notice that I had sat up because they were on the floor rolling dying of laughter. I just put a confused look on my face."Whats so funny?" I ask. Everybody stops laughing and looks at me. Pretty soon I am in the center of a group hug."I......cant..............breathe!" I say because someone was getting a choke hold on me. Everyone lets go and I take in a deep breathe."Sorry" they all say. I shoot a look at Vikk and he looks down trying to hide his blush. I start to laugh at his reaction then Vikk looks up and starts to laugh. Everyone looks at us like we are both crazy."Dont do that again!" Vikk wheezes to me."But it was so funny!" I laugh out to him."What was so funny?" Jerome asks. Vikk and I look at each other and start to burst out in laughter again. ------------------(Jeromes P.O.V)--------- "What's so funny?" I ask Lachlan and Vikk. They look at each other and start to burst out laughing again. All of a sudden Lachlan stops laughing. He curls up in a ball and is holding his side. ----------(Lachlan's P.O.V)---------------- I fell a rip and then a lot of pain. I curl up and grab my side.Ah great! I think my wound opened up. I had gotten this wound from my dad kicking me over and over again one night. He had created a huge wound and it likes to open. And when it does it hurts like hell. I start to fell blood to come out."Ahhhhhh." I yelp. "What's wrong" Mitch asks worried."Wound reopens." is all I could manage before yelping in pain again. Mitch takes my shirt and my bandages of. He looks at my gigantic wound and looks completely horrified and angry. "Who did this?"Mitch said in raged. "dad" I said and yelped in pain. "How" he asked. "Kicked me in the side al" Then I passed out. ----------------------------------------------A/N Thank you all for reading, voting ,and commenting. I hope you guys have a great day or night. Check out my new book it's of one shots of different ships. I am probably not going to update that book for a little while because I don't really know what to do with that on. I may just delete that book if I don't get any ideas.And I need ideas for the story I am starting to run out of ideas. See you in the next chapter. -👻Ghostie👻

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