"We do, indeed"

"Bye" I say hanging up.

What's her problem? Geez. I need beer, a lot of beer. I wall back inside to find someone. I prefer a 'not drunk' person, but actually I don't care. As long as I got some beer.

Haha I sound like some old addict.


"ZAYN" I hear Niall yell as he runs towards me, well it's not really running because he's drunk so he can't run... and yes, he felt, really hard. Poor boy, oh well, he shouldn’t have drink so much.

"Guess what I did?" Niall says with big eyes.

"Tell me"

"I kissed Jessie" he whispers into my ear.

"Holy cow Horan, you're growing up so fast!"

"I know. I need to celebrate it with beer!" Niall says walking away.

That kid is incredible, Jessie should be lucky with this weirdo.

I look through the garden, see something I do not like at all.

What the fuck Harry, you are now officially a dickhead. If we you weren’t so important to the band I would’ve killed you, so for now I’ll keep it to a slap in the face and cut off balls.

"Wow, what happened?" Maura says as I pull them off each other.  

"You tell me Styles" I say mad.

"What? I don't know" he says looking innocent.

"You're in trouble, big trouble"

I can't believe he kissed her! He doesn't have the rights to do that. I know, they're both drunk, and Maura isn't mine and I don’t like her but still, it’s just not okay!


So Maura and I are upstairs and I just told her what happened with Perrie, but I guess Maura didn’t listen because she’s drunk. You know she’s really cute when she’s drunk. She looked me in the eyes the whole time. I didn’t know she had such beautiful blue/green eyes.

But I’m looking for volunteers who will help me killing Harry… anyone? Please? No? No one wants to kill Harry for kissing Maura? YES, THE GINGER IN THE BACK. THANK YOU, YOU’RE MY NEW BEST FRIEND… after Maura of course, she’s my sort of number one. That’s not because I sort of like her, or because she’s hot, sweet, funny and easy going. It’s because we’re friends… that doesn’t make sense, I know.

“I will always love you” Maura says out of the blue.

“Thanks babe”

“Let’s get some food, I’m hungry”

“Alright then, let’s go weirdo” I say after we hugged.  


Maura’s pov

 “MAURA!” Jessie screams.

Haha her curls are so funny and bouncing when she runs. They’re like that weird toy everyone had when they were little. You had to place it on the top of the stairs and it would sort of bounce to the end of the stairs. Good old times.

“Oh god Jessie, your curls they are alive!”

“I need to tell you a secret”

“Are you here to steal my food?”

“No, I kissed Niall” she whispers.

“JESSIE! I am so proud of you”

“I think I’m going kiss him again”

“Go for it girl!”

“Yes, bye” she says running away while I hear the doorbell ring.

I open the door to see a girl with purple hair. I’ve never seen this mad looking girl before, her hair is purple and she has way too much make-up on her face.

“Hi, you look like a cupcake” I say getting a weird look.  

“I’m looking for Maura Isles?” she says.

“Wait a second… That’s me! Did I win a price?”

“No you stupid, where’s Zayn?”

“Why? Did he win a price?”

“Gosh, you’re so stupid”

“So there is no price?”

“No Jesus Christ, just move you stupid bitch” she says and punches me away.

“But I want to win a price…”

 “Zayn? ZAYN! Gosh where is that dick?” she says as she looks trough the people.  

“Perrie? What are you doing here?” Zayn says after she found him.

“What the hell are you doing with this piece of…shit?” the cupcake girl points towards me.

Why is she pointing at me? Am I getting a price or not, because if not I am wasting my time. I could use all this time to do things.

“Shut up about Maura” Zayn says looking really mad.

“Oh she has a name? Well Maura, this pretty boy is mine, got that? MINE” she says to me.

“Chill, you’re just a cupcake, I don’t want you to explode”

“Does she even have a brain? She so fucking stupid” Perrie says.

“Perrie just shut the hell up about Maura!”


After 15 minutes of screaming and yelling, the cupcake unicorn leaves and Zayn is pissed as a potato.

“Zayn…” I say.

“WHAT?!” he says pissed off.


“No, I’m sorry”

“Here, have a beer” I say handing him a full glass of beer.

“Thank you, babe”

“But first let’s hug, because you need one and I know my hugs are awesome”

“Alright, come here you weirdo” he says as he pulls me into a hug.


so YES, i posted ffy chapter 1 go check it out, tell me what you think I am now going to fangirl over those shirtles Zayn pictures :)

peace love rubber gloves :)

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