"You got it" Adam hugged them, "be safe and enjoy!"

"They gone?" She asked when Adam found her on the floor in Nicholas' room, "I hate it" she finally let the tears fall, "I'm just so worried about them, it's a big trip"

"Have a little faith in them, they'll be okay".

"Da-Da" Nicholas said as he hit at Adam's leg with a board book.

"Hey! Did you hear that he said it" he laughed

"I told you he said it" she smiled, "I'm being silly about this aren't I?"

Adam pulled her against his chest, between his knees "No you aren't, you're worried about them but I don't think you need to be. Your dad's got this"

"Yes, Kim." Deborah told her "you know it sounds like your the mother and I'm the child" she told Kim, as she waited for Mike to return to the RV with the groceries, "we are in California, it's beautiful here"

"Please just make sure Dad doesn't insist on driving when he's tired" she told her, knowing how her father could be.

"Yes mother" Deborah laughed, "how's my baby? Is he crawling yet?"

"He's doing great, just had a check up. He's in perfect health and yes he's crawling" and Adam was right he was a force to be reckoned with, "Mom, I can't believe it, he's into everything. If this is what he's like at ten months old, I'm afraid for what the toddlers years will be like"

Deborah smiled, "Kiss him for me, I better go your Dad's back"'she told her, "give my love to Adam, I love you"

"I love you too Mom, tell Daddy I said hi" Kim said before hanging up.

"That Kim?" Mike asked as he loaded the groceries on the RV, "how's Nick doing?"

"He's great, Kim said he's finally crawling" Deborah said, "I was starting to worry about him, I didn't think he'd ever crawl"

"Nah, he's just doing things on his terms, reminds me of his mother" he laughed, "remember how stubborn she was?"

Deborah smiled, "who are you kidding with this 'was' business, she still is" she patted his arm, "I wonder where she gets it from"

He pointed to his chest, "Surely, you aren't implying that I'm stubborn?"

"I wouldn't dare" she smiled taking the seat next to him, "we better get going, sun will be setting soon, and this highway is pretty curvy"

"Don't you start too" Mike glanced over at her, "This trip has been amazing, I'm glad we got to do it together"

"Me too"


Kim hid her eyes as Adam tossed Nicholas into the air and caught him resulting in a fit of giggles each time, "I wish you wouldn't do that" she told him.

"C'mon he loves it, and I'm not gonna drop him you know" Adam put him down, "talk to your parents yet?" It had been a few days and he knew she was starting to be concerned.

"Not since the beginning of the week, but I know they're headed to Washington state, my dad lived there as a kid. I'm sure they're just busy, they'll call when they can" she told him, "you emailed those pictures from the park, right?"

"I did, I even sent them to my mother" he admitted to her, "though I'm sure she won't open the email"

Kim sat on the couch, "What's her deal? You don't talk about her much, she barely said a word to me when she came after you had been shot"

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