Chapter 17

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It had been a week since Sean confronted Adam about Brandi and just based on Kim's mood, he had yet to tell her.

He waited in the car for her to show up, he hated keeping this from her. Bethany had told him to forget waiting for Adam and to tell her himself. He didn't want to do that and risk their friendship and ruin their work relationship he wanted to be left out if it, if at all possible.

"So believe it or not my fiancé has finally made a decision where the wedding is concerned" Kim announced as she got in the car, "granted it was just who is best man would be but it's something, right?"

"Great, can we go?" Sean asked.

Kim stared at him, "who pissed in your Cheerios?" She asked, he had been a bit of an ass lately, "is everything okay with you and Bethany?"

He pulled out of the parking lot, "yea, we're fine" he told her, "it's nothing, let's go"

"Whatever" she replied focusing on the day's memos and crime bulletins, "you going out with the guys tonight?"

"Don't know"

"What's your problem Sean?" Kim asked him, "you've been in a shit mood the last few shifts"

He parked at the mall, "it's nothing for you to worry about, I promise I'm fine" he lied, "you sure you didn't piss Platt off, I mean why else would we get stuck with mall duty"

Kim sighed, "I think it's her way of telling me to get it together" the mall had a few different stores Platt suggested her and Adam registered at.

"What do you mean?"

"You're clueless. My parents are throwing us an engagement party and Platt is insisting we register, that way people know what we want. Personally I hate the idea, between the two of us we already have everything that we need" granted most of Adam's stuff would be tossed "and what we do need we can buy"

"Whatever" he told her as they started working, "how is Adam?" He was testing the waters.

"Good, why?"

"No reason, just making small talk" he covered, "you know something" he couldn't take it anymore.

"What" she asked as she stopped in front of a jewelry store, wedding bands on display catching her attention, "those are beautiful"

He didn't have the heart, "never mind, it's nothing"

"I have missed you!" Adam took her in his arms, "it's only been a few days but it felt like forever, I hated waking up without you" he told her, "how was your day?"

She leaned into him as they sat on the couch, sportscenter on in the background "I don't know something is up with Sean"

"Care to explain" Adam asked as he played with her engagement ring, he was suddenly nervous.

"I can't put my finger on it, he just seems weird" she laid back against his chest, "you still going out tonight?"

"I am, is that okay?"

"Of course it is, Erin and Trudy are coming over to talk wedding" she told him.

"Trudy is that how it is now?" He laughed.

"Yea, I guess. See if you can see what's up with Sean"

"Oh, I don't know Darlin', maybe we should leave it alone" he knew exactly what was up with Sean.

"Please, for me" Kim begged, "it'll be worth it" she winked at him.

"Done" he smiled, "how'd I get so lucky?"

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