Chapter 7

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"Do you need anything before I head out?" Adam asked as he finished getting dressed.

"Nope, I'm good" Kim said as she fixed a bowl of oatmeal, "maybe we can meet for lunch, that sound good"

"Perfect, just let me know where" he kissed her before heading out.

"You fill the spot yet?" Al asked Hank as they gathered around the coffee pot.

"Burgess is taking it, she starts in a few weeks" Hank said as they joined the rest of the group, Adam just walking in.

"Hey, kid. How is Burgess feeling?"

"She's good Al, thanks for asking" he sat at his desk and pulled his email up, "she's itching to get back to work though"

Al sat opposite him, "how do you feel about that?"

"What? Her going back to work?"


"Honestly, I'm a little nervous, but I'm going to catch up with Roman and talk to him" he wanted to apologize, and make sure Kim would be safe.

"What's Roman got to do with it"

Adam laughed "you okay Al? They're partners"

"Ruzek, you don't know? She didn't tell you?" Al feeling like he opened a can of worms.

Adam, ignored the computer, "obviously she hasn't told me, you seem to know, care to fill me in"

Al sighed "Voight offered her a spot here" he said pointing to the vacant desk, "and she accepted"

Adam felt his stomach drop, "he what?"

"I think maybe you should talk to Kim about this, I'm sorry kid. I just assumed you knew"

"Yea, well we all know what happens when you assume" he was aggravated.

"Hey, Adam I was just calling to set up lunch, I was thinking Italian. Can you meet around one, let me know. I love you" she left the voicemail and headed to her appointment, hoping to get cleared to return to work and she was hopeful the doctor would change his mind about the modified duty.

Adam had felt the phone vibrate and noticed it was Kim calling but couldn't talk to her, not until he had his wits about him. He was stunned, why wouldn't she have told him they had spent almost every moment together the last few weeks and she said nothing.

He knocked on Hank's door, "can I talk to you?" He asked when Hank told him to come in.

Hank pointed to the chair, for him to sit "what's up Ruzek?"

"Kim's taking the empty spot?"

Hank put the pen down, "yes. Is it going to be a problem?"

Adam jiggled his leg nervously "what about the whole relationship thing, you know we're together, right?"

Hank smiled "the entire district knows, I'd be shit police if I didn't know. I thought you and Kim discussed this, and that you're okay with it."

"We didn't. Al just told me about it" he felt like an ass, he was struggling with the fact she kept this from him.

"Listen, we've got nothing going on today, go talk to her" he waved him out of the office.

"Thanks" Adam wasn't sure he could handle her being in intelligence, he knew Hank wouldn't partner them up together, at least if they were partners he would have her back.

As soon as he got in his car he called her, she answered almost immediately.

"Hey" he said his voice flat "where are you?"

"I'm just leaving the doctors office, meet me at Gino's" she put the key in the ignition "you sound strange, are you okay?"

He made his way to the restaurant "I'm fine, on my way"

"Okay, that was odd" Kim said to herself.

As she pulled in she could see Adam already waiting at the front door, his hands jammed in his pockets his foot on the wall, she could tell by his body language that something was wrong.

"You okay?" she hugged, kissing his cheek "you seem upset" she wiped the trace of lipstick off his cheek with her thumb.

"We'll talk inside" he said opening the door for her.

The hostess led them to a table.

"So, I've been cleared to return to work, no restrictions" she thumbed through the menu, her appetite no longer what it had been. "I have to ask Adam, did I do something to upset you?"

He put his menu down, "when did you plan on telling me?"

"Who told you?" This wasn't the way she wanted him to find out, she only had herself to blame though "I'm sorry okay, I should have told you. I was just nervous to how you would react"

Adam leaned back in the booth, "I looked like an ass today in front of my superiors, you know that right?"

Kim played with the bracelet she was wearing "I was afraid you wouldn't want me to take the spot Adam,and yes I should have told you"

He laughed sarcastically "told me? We should have discussed it, I don't want you getting hurt, and intelligence is too dangerous for you"

"Excuse me? What is that supposed to mean?" She could feel her face turn red with anger.

"I don't want you to take the spot, Kim" he told her crossing his arms across his chest.

Kim grabbed her purse "suddenly, I'm not feeling to well" she stood and started to leave before suddenly turning back to face him "I think you should stay at your place tonight" she could feel tears well up in her eyes.

Adam kicked the booth opposite him, "fuck me" he muttered under his breath.


I've started another story too, the idea came to me at about 3 this morning, it's a spin off the main character is Sean Ruzek. It gives me the ability to tie up some things left untold in 'It Isn't Fair', the last chapter was pretty hard to write and I ended up leaving out some things I wanted to include.

Please check it out, it's called 'Like Father Like Son'

Thanks for reading!


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