Chapter 6

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Kim signed the discharge papers, "are you sure you'll be okay at home?" Adam asked her, it had been a month since the shooting, a few complications keeping her in the hospital a bit longer than they had anticipated.

"Adam, I'm fine" she told him as he helped her in the wheelchair, "but you are welcome to spend the night, if it will make you feel better"

"Yes. I think that's a great idea" he kissed the top of her head and made his way towards the elevator "when did they say you could go back to work?" he pushed the button.

Kim was dreading this conversation, Adam still clueless that she would be joining him upstairs, "two weeks, I think and that's just modified duty"

"Good. I don't know if I'm ready for you to be on patrol" he turned the chair around and backed into the elevator.

"I will be fine Adam, you can't worry so much" she patted his hand "you'll give yourself an ulcer with all the worrying you've been doing"

They stepped out on the main floor, rain coming down in buckets. Adam wheeled her to the door, "I'm gonna go get my car, be right back" he bent down and kissed her "I won't be long"

"I can walk to the car Adam" she protested.

"Like hell you will, it's nasty outside" he pulled his jacket up over his head and ran out the doors, she watched as he weaved in and out of the lines of spots obviously forgetting where he had parked.

He finally pulled the sedan up to the front doors, rushing out to help her, "you're drenched Adam" she said taking his appearance in, his hair soaking wet.

"Here let me help" he grabbed her elbow.

"I'm fine" she stood opening the door and gingerly sat down, "really Adam I can do it" the frustration showing in her voice, she knew it stung him as he slammed the door shut. She knew he meant well and she loved him for it, but felt like she was being suffocated between being stuck in the hospital and Adam falling all over himself to help her.

She watched as he sat in the drivers seat,"Adam, I didn't mean that the way it sounded" she rested her hand on his thigh "I love you, and I love that you want to take care of me"

He put the car in gear and headed for her apartment "I know I must be driving you crazy, but I need you to be okay" he laced his fingers with her bringing her hand to his lips and kissing it "you mean the world to me, I hope you know that and if you don't I plan on showing you"

Kim smiled at him "I need to start taking care of you, you still look like hell babe" she laughed running her hand through his hair "this is out of control".

"Hey, leave my hair alone" his hair even more unruly than usual "it will be nice to get a decent night's sleep again" he hadn't slept more than an hour or two each night.

"You need to sleep, are you going in tomorrow?" she hoped he wasn't going in, she still needed to break the news to him.

"Nope, forced furlough" he smiled "I'm off the next two days, I wonder what I will do with all that free time" he smirked at her.

"Sleep" she told him "you need to sleep, and eat something other than fast food. I will cook you something"

"No you won't, you need to take it easy"

"I'm fine Adam, the doctor cleared me for everything but work" she smirked at him "did you hear me Adam, everything"

He smiled at her "are you trying to seduce me, Kim?"

She ran her hand up his thigh "is it working?"

"Yea" he groaned, as he pushed the gas pedal down a little further.

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