Chapter Three: Before The Sleepover

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Lucas pov.

After I told Daniel about the plan he agreed with a mischievous smirk. We decided on following one of the girls, Daniel suggested Levy. So here we are, following a short bluenette. As we drove off from 'The Diner' she quickly drove off to a place. She parked at a bookstore called 'La Madeline' , she steps out of her car and a elderly woman greets her at the front door. She walks up to the store and hugs the lady, we can faintly hear their conversation. "Hello Levy! I haven't seen you and Lucy in a month! How are you and your boyfriend?" Daniel glares at her and tightens his grip on the handles. Levy giggles "I told you before Mrs. Collete, he was just a friend. For anything he likes Lucy more." What. Who is this guy!? I mean pshhh doesn't matter who he is. "So Mrs. Collete when can Lucy and I come in again?" She asked in a hopeful voice. Mrs. Cali grinned, or was it Mrs. Collete? Well, whatever, close enough. "Yes dear, both of you can come over on Sunday. I know Alex misses both of you." Levy nods her head, "Well I will see you on Sunday, Farewell Mrs. Collete!" Levy quickly hugs her and hops into her car. I glance in Daniels direction he stood there with a dazed expression. I wave my hand in front of his face, when he snaps out of it he almost fell over on his motorcycle. I laugh so hard that tears almost come out of my eyes. When he regains his balance he glares at me, I grin in his direction. He sighs and rolls his eyes at me, "Are we going to follow her, or not?" I nod my head as he starts his engine, and rides off ahead of me. Hmm. I wonder. I wonder if little Daniel has a little crush on little ol' Levy. I grin at the thought as I start my engine and follow him.

Lucy's pov.

I sigh as  stop in front of Marble Slab, resting my head on the steering wheel. As my phone vibrates and rings 'Clarity' from The Foxes Ft. Zedd. I groan and reach down for my phone, I hit the answer button and pull it to my ear "Hello?" I unbuckle my seat belt and grab my wallet, then I push my door open as I climb out. "Hey Lu-Lu!" The twins voices echo in my ear. I grin as I start to walk towards the entrance of the Ice Cream parlor. "Omg! Hey guys! I haven't heard from you in what, a few years? It's definitely been too long." I walk inside and smile at the boy at the counter as he grins at me. I grab three pints of Ice Cream: Coffee, Cinnamon, and Mint Chocolate Chip. "Yeah, about four years, well that's not we called you about. We have exciting news! We are moving in with you!" Wait, what. I think I'm hallucinating all this. There is No Way Father would accept this! He doesn't even like Lacey and James! I wonder if he is up to something... "Aww! Guys that sounds wonderful! But what does my dad think about it?" I give the guy Thirty-Five dollars, after he gives them back to me he slips a paper in the bag. "Uncle Alexander said that we could move in with you! He actually gave us the offer once he heard about us moving closer"
So Father does know, what is scheming? "Well that sounds great, but I have to go. I will call you guys later. Bye, Love you!" Before they respond I hang up, God. What is he thinking? I walk out towards my car, and hop in. I toss the Ice Cream in the passenger seat, and start the engine. I start my way towards the house, not knowing something or more like someone was already waiting for me to arrive.

Lucas pov.

"My God! Who doesn't she fucking know!" Yelled Daniel. I nod my head sadly, for a bookworm she is very sociable. "Oh wait! Look she is walking back to her car! And she has movies in her hands! Thank god. We might actually go too Lucy's next!" I sigh thoughtfully, finally! My butts starting to hurt from this seat, as I shift around trying to find a comfortable position. I look up to see Levy driving off, as we start to drive in to a rich neighborhood I sigh. Great, someone else she is going to talk to. As she stops to turn into a house she puts a password into a small box shaped machine that allowed the gate to open, I glanced to Daniel and he shrugged his head. She starts to pull into the driveway, as we trail behind her slowly so she doesn't hear the engines. She hops out of her car and reaches back in to grab the movies and a small bag. She shuts her door and skips up the stairs to the front doors. As she disappears behind the front doors, we jump off our bikes, and slowly walk up towards the doors. We glance at eachother and nod as we slowly open the door. We take a step in and quickly close the door behind us and lock it. I mean, yeah I guess if you live in a place like this you don't need to lock your door, but it's called extra precaution. Glancing around at the large stairwell coming down, the huge chandelier that centers the place, and the a family portrait containing a woman, a man, and a little girl. Posing for a picture at a garden with pink and red roses, wearing both dresses and a tux. "Hey Lu!" Levys voice echoing the empty corridors. "I'm in the kitchen Levy!" We follow the direction of her voice, as we walked down a long narrow hallway we hear laughter. As we walk towards the laughter, we stop in front of the kitchen by the entrance. Watching them talk and eat Ice Cream with amused faces. "Oh yeah, before I forget to tell you. On Sunday we are going to 'La Madeline' we haven't been there in a while, and Alex misses us." Lucy giggles "Aww, I miss little Alex too! And I will definitely be there, it's not like anybody else will be here to notice." They keep shoveling Ice Cream in their mouth, I'm surprised they haven't choked! "So Lu, what movie do you wanna watch fir-" Suddenly another person walked into the kitchen from a different entrance. "Hello Lucy, Levy. It's been a while." Who is this mysterious guy? And how does he know both of them? They slowly turn around before looking longingly at their Ice Cream. Their eyes widen once they see who it is. "Drake?" They echo together with confused looks. "God guys, can't you notice your best friend when you see him?" He said chuckling. They drop their spoons on the counter and sprang up from their chairs. They ran straight towards him and pounced on him like he was prey. Who is this freaking guy? "Drake! We haven't seen you in forever! God, we missed you so much! Are you staying in town or just visiting?" Lucy exclaimed in a hurriedly tone. Drake is chuckling at them and hugs them back "I'm actually moving here, well already moved. So I'm starting school with you guys on Monday. I haven't seen both of you in what, was it four years? We really need to catch-. Wait, who are they?" He asks looking directly at us. Crap, he spotted us. He continued staring at us as both girls turned their heads to glance at what he was asking about. They just stared at us, their jaws dropped.

Lucy's pov.

My jaw dropped the moment I turned around to see who Drake was talking about. Why are Daniel and Lucas here? "Why are you guys here for?" Levy asked as we both hopped out of Drakes arms. They looked at us sheepishly "Um... To see if you wanted company?" They ask questionably. I glance towards Levy, she glances towards me and then we bust out laughing. "Ms. Lucy!" Mrs. Greens voice echoes around the house. "I'm in the kitchen Mrs. Green!" Mrs. Green has worked for my family since I was born, after my mother died she was my best friend. Mrs. Green is now in her late fifties, she has brunette hair with a few gray streaks throughout her hair, she is around 5"3, and she has a has a lovely personality. "Hey Ms. Lucy, I see your Father isn't home again. So that must mean Ms. Levy is here!" She enters the kitchen with a smile, "Hey Mrs. Green! How have you been, I haven't seen you in two weeks! I also have brought you a new book! Wait, give me a second to get it." She runs out of the kitchen, towards the living room. Mrs. Green walks toward me with a smile, opening her arms for a hug. I grin and walk into her hug, "How was your vacation Mrs. Green?" I ask. She grins at me "Oh dear. It was amazing! We definitely need to take you there. Don't think we wouldn't forget to take pictures! We still need to put them in a scrapbook then I will show them to you. Oh and- You brought more people home! I never seen them before! Wait, is that Drake? Lucy, introduce them!" I laugh uneasily, how am I supposed to introduce Daniel and Lucas if I just met them! "Mrs. Green this is Lucas and Daniel. They both go to our school. Daniel, Lucas, meet Mrs. Green." I nod towards them, they take out there hands to shake her hand. I smirk at them, there is no way they aren't going to get a hug. As Mrs. Green strolls her way towards them, they look towards her with smiles. When she finally is in front of them she doesn't take their hands, they glance at me confused. They slowly start lowering their hands she grins at them and grabs their hands, then pulls them in for a hug.

Lucas pov.

As Mrs. Green makes her way towards us, we start to hold our arms up so she can shake them. As she stops in front of us we wait a minute for her to shake our hands but it never happens, I glance at Lucy to see that she is smirking at me. Why is she smirking at me? I slowly lower my hand, as I lower my hand Mrs. Greens grin is increasing by the second. She then almost instinctively pulls us towards us in a hug. Oh, so she's a hugger huh? As she starts to pull back she smiles warmly at us, "It's nice to meet both of you. I hope i start seeing you around often. And Lucy don't you dare think about not inviting them again!" I glance in Lucy's direction to see she is looking sheepishly at her feet, "Okay, Mrs. Green." I start to grin, so this means I can come over? Wait! No! Why would I get involved with some girl, when there is millions of girls out there. Wow, I really need to clear my head. "Here you go Mrs. Green! It's called 'The Fault In Our Stars' it's by John Green. Ah, you will love it! I hope I can meet a guy like Augustus!" Levy walks in with a grin on her face. Mrs. Green turns around to take the book from Levy. "Well then everyone, I must be going. I just wanted to see if Lucy was okay. So I hope I will be seeing you soon. Bye!" Mrs. Green turns around and walks out of the kitchen. "I should be getting back too. Moms probably wondering where I am. It was nice seeing both of you. Well, see you soon." Drake turns his head at Daniel and I and nods at us. As he turns to walk out the kitchen, the same direction Mrs. Green went. "Are both of you actually going to stay here?" Lucy asked. A smirk slowly makes its way on my face, "Of course, Lucy. We are going to join both of you ladies." Daniel said. This is going to be a interesting night.

*yawns* Sorry, I definitely couldn't sleep so I decided to update. Well, goodnight/goodbye.
Don't forget to either vote or comment. Well byeeee~ >///<

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