Chapter 2 - Wake Me Up

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Chapter 2 - Wake Me Up  

A/N: this is just gonna be complete fluff guys, its just gonna have some drama here...nothing to interesting like Hidden Secrets! Just cutesy stuff..=3  I'm starting slowww....


Niall's eyes fluttered open and he jumped when he was met with liquid gold orbs that stared into his own. He let out a loud squeal as he rolled off the bed, bumping his head in the process before landing right on his bum.   

Loud barks of laughter filled the room as Niall stood up from his previous position to see who had disturbed him from his slumber. "Who are you? And why are you here?!" Niall asked the shirtless stranger, rubbing the small bump that formed at the back of his head. "I should be asking you that, you are the one that was sleeping on my bed" he smirked, laying down and placing his hands behind his head. Niall ignored the response and glanced out the large window, it was dark outside, meaning only one thing. He ran towards the window and opened it, causing a gush of strong wind to flow through. He looked out of the window and up into the sky, the stars scattered wildly and shining at their brightest. It almost made Niall homesick. Almost.   

Niall smiled and sighed contently, he wondered what it was like from this point of view. He wondered if it was just as beautiful as his view from the sky. He also wondered how brightly he shone when he was up there. The feeling made Niall happy, and his porcelain skin glowed lightly. He heard somebody cough and he turned towards the shirtless stranger. "Ugh, I'm Zayn.." He stated, awkwardly. Niall smiled at him before continuing to look at the sky. "Aren't you going to tell me yours?" Zayn questioned. Niall turned back to him with a quizzical look. "My what?" "Your name" Zayn said walking to Niall's side and looking at the sky too, smiling almost gratefully at the twinkling objects. Niall's mouth was in the shape of an 'o' as he took the information in. "I'm Niall.." He grinned, looking into Zayn's eyes, noticing something there that he wasn't quite sure of. "Did Atkins not tell you that you had a roommate?" Zayn asked, still staring at Niall, who was gawking at the view. "Roommate?" Niall asked, blinking tiredly and shutting the window since it was getting to cold. "You know.. Somebody you share a dorm with?" Zayn explained, the corners of his mouth twitching slightly.   

"Y-Yeah, I knew that.." Niall said, quietly yawning. Zayn chuckled, "okay then, you tired?" Niall nodded rubbing his eyes. He began to ask himself how long he had been asleep for. "few hours" Zayn smiled, as if he was reading his mind. Niall remembered how he woke up just a few minutes earlier, Zayn had his chin resting on the back of his hands, his elbows pointing outwards as he watched Niall. Niall smirked, "you were watching me while I sleep!" he accused, making tan boy's cheeks tinge pink. Zayn shook his head.  

"Get to bed, Blondie" he shoved the blonde boy out of his room. "Where can I sleep?" Niall asked curiously, the light from his skin shining even brighter as the minutes pass. "In the other room?" Zayn said in a 'duh' tone as he leaned on the side of the door, almost as if he was examining Niall. "Does it have a window like yours?.." Niall asked, hopeful. Zayn shook his head no, he was confused as to why his new roommate was so obsessed with the night sky.   

"Then I shall sleep in here" Niall declared, brushing past Zayn and going into his bed, not knowing that there was something wrong with that. "W-What? Y-You can't just!—" Niall looked at him expectantly, his big blue irises shining innocently, Zayn took one look and that one look was all it did for him to get in the bed with Niall. Zayn turned his back on him, not wanting to imagine that there was a body there so things don't get to awkward. Niall looked at Zayn's bare back, should he be shirtless too? He decided that he should and took his clothing off in one swift motion, in an attempt to get comfortable.   

After doing so, he tossed and turned, losing his sense of sleep while he did. Zayn groaned and turned to face the fidgeting blonde. "Stop movi— why did you take your shirt off?" His face flushed pink. "It was uncomfortable, and I'm sorry but i can't sleep now." The boy frowned, failing to notice the tan boy's crimson cheeks. Zayn's eyes unawarely trailed over Niall's skin, he was literally glowing. "Why are you shining?" He whispered, taking his index finger and drawing an imaginary pattern on Niall's arm. He shuddered, the feeling of pleasure running through him. Niall debated whether or not he should tell his new friend what he was, he settled for no. "I'm not.." Niall, unconvincingly, answered. "You are" Zayn disagreed, shuffling closer. Niall turned his back on the boy and threw the duvet over his head. "I'm not" he repeated.   

He felt movement behind him but ignored it. He did have to get used to sleeping at night, how could he do that when a mortal was fussing about right next to him? He internally screamed when the movement continued "Will you please stop—" His breath hitched when he turned and those hazel orbs poured into his. "Stop what?" He replied, feigning innocence. "Stop being so.." He didn't know the word to describe him, Niall looked down, rummaging through his thoughts. "So what?" He asked again, using his finger to gain back the gaze of those electric blue irises to look back into his. Niall looked anywhere but those eyes, knowing that once he looked into them he was gone. However Zayn was persistent, like he needed Niall to look at him. "Say it, Niall. Stop being so what?" he said, Niall could feel the hard stare he was given as he traced the tattoos with his finger. Niall couldn't resist any longer and finally looked up. He sighed, defeatedly. "So beautiful.." Zayn looked taken aback, he expected an insult or something along those lines, not a compliment. Zayn pulled away causing Niall's face to fall to a pained expression. Niall didn't know what he was doing but before he could register anything, Zayn left the room.   

Niall was confused. Zayn had watched him sleep and then made him feel these weird things then he just left. Niall buried his head into Zayn's pillow which smelt so much like him. As creepy as it sounds, Niall took a big smell of the intoxicating scent before falling deep asleep. While Zayn lay in the other room, just as confused as Niall was.     


A/N: I actually have no knowledge to what just happened there, Did any of that make sense? I have no idea. To me it was pretty freakin' cute because Niall's just so confused and to be honest I am too. But its not about me, Its about you. So please tell me what you think!

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