Chapter 1 - A Whole New World

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Chapter One - A Whole New World  

I'm sorry, I'm just getting new ideas everyday and now I'm just....


[sigh] here's the first chapter. and yes. The title is a disney song.   


After what seemed like years of preparation, Niall was finally let inside the Talkian. The preparation was certainly boring, but very interesting at the same time. He was asked about which school he should go to and of course Liam was the one to answer that, since Niall didn't even know what school was. Niall also accompanied Liam to his 'beam lessons' the blonde would call them. A beam is a small ray of light, correct? Well that was the technique Liam had to use so that he wasn't seen by the human eye. Niall was asked so much questions about earth that made him even more curious, the session lasted many long hours and all the star just wanted to get to it already. But now today was the day. Today he was going to fall to earth.   


"You ready, Niall?" Lou, Niall's prep assistant, asked as she handed Niall a large suitcase. Niall smiled proudly as he played the word in his head, Suitcase. Hm, I'm such a smart star, Niall mentally praised himself. He nodded, enthusiastically. She chuckled and waved at him through the closing glass doors. Liam stood next to Niall in the small, almost cramped, box. Niall being claustrophobic, looked to Liam with a pleading look. The brown eyed boy simply placed a comforting hand on his shoulder, he squeezed gently then returned to his previous position, with his eyes closed. Niall copied his actions and it was if he fell down a large hole. He felt his body fall into a swirling sensation going deeper, and deeper. He was shocked once he opened them, so many humans were rushing past him and so much other new things to discover. The Talkian not in sight.   

Niall's face broke into a grin as he took in all of his surroundings, large buildings and cars with a lot of people –he had learnt a lot from Lou, though he was eager to leave and he rushed most of the session– realisation hit Niall. Wheres Liam? He looked all around him, his face falling into panic. "Sh, Niall. Am right here.." A soothing voice whispered through his head, Niall furrowed his eyebrows and looked both ways, left and right, still not seeing any sign of Liam anywhere. "Over here!" A ball of light fluttered right in front of Niall's face, it flashed white and gold and gently drifted towards Niall's palms that were held out in front of him to catch the small beam. Niall giggled at the touch, he looked everywhere and saw that nobody was paying attention to him, which was good. He learned that Liam was a secret that only he should know about. Liam floated off of Niall's small hands and began flying away, leaving Niall confused. "Follow me, this is your boarding school. Just do exactly as I say, okay?" Its seems as the beam could only talk to Niall and only Niall, the blonde obediently followed and watched as he passed so many different things. He couldn't wipe the smile off his face, he could finally hear the things that happened down in earth. He always saw everything and it wasn't very clear from the sky, but now Niall's down here and he's loving every minute of it.   

Niall was lead into an old, tall structure. The walls were a crumbly mixture of maroon and brown and white marble pillars stood at the sides of the exit, giving it an extravagant vibe. Niall watched Liam turn a corner and gasped quietly when he looked inside a room and saw many other humans that look like his age. They were all peering into, what Niall learnt were called, books. "Niall hurry up!, you might get lost!" Liam shouted out, he was already so far away and Niall lightly jogged over to him. "Now go over to that lady, don't be scared just smile and wait for her to notice you. I'll tell you what to do next" he nodded and timidly approached the lady at the wooden desk. He did what Liam instructed and waited, after a few seconds, he was finally acknowledged. "Hello, how may I help you?" Niall gulped but kept the shy smile on his face. "Calm down, you're sweating like a pig! Just say your Niall Horan, she'll know what to do afterwards." Niall cocked his head to the side. What was a pig?, he thought before following Liam's orders. "Ah!, you must be the new student! Im the receptionist, you can call me Ms. Atkins" She said quite loudly, making the star flinch. Niall's reaction went unnoticed as she began typing quickly on her computer. Niall noticed that her nails were long and very red, he looked at his own nails, they were plain and normal. He couldn't help but think that maybe she had some sort of disease and he immediately grimaced. It won't help him prove anything at his stay here if he caught a disease. She gave him a small set of keys but to Niall, he obviously didn't know what they were and labeled them 'the shiny thingies'. "Heres your timetable for school, thanks for joining Rockwell!" She smiled, handing Niall a sheet of paper which he happily put into his pocket. "Thank you!.." Niall leaned in and said in a hushed tone. "By the way, I think you need to get those checked by a doctor" he said, his nose crinkling in the process before walking off towards Liam's direction, who was laughing. "Whats so funny?" Niall whispered, confused. "Niall thats not a disease, its what girls do to their nails to make them more pretty!" Niall's pale cheeks flushed a light shade of pink. "oh.." Liam chuckled, the ball of light floated up a set of stairs. Niall stared at them for a while. The blonde boy looked at his legs than back at the stairs, he repeated this 3 times before lifting a leg, then the other. He grinned, he felt so human. When Niall reached the top he looked around, it looked exactly like downstairs except a few students lingered about. He looked around in a state of worry, he can't talk to Liam if theirs people around. He bit his lower lip nervously, he would be lost without Liam, he wouldn't know where to go at all, or what to do or say. "Niall don't worry, you can talk to me but only through your head. I wouldn't leave you. I promise." He could hear his voice but he couldn't see him, Niall began to breathe unevenly, causing students to give him weird glances. "Niall, just follow my directions okay? I'm right in front of you, calm down." The small ray of light began floating and Niall followed it, in the end Liam was lead to a door. "Room 618, this is your dorm, Niall. Now, this is where I can't talk anymore, I've helped you get here but now you have to venture by yourself. I'm not leaving, I promised, remember? Its just this is apart of my job. I must watch you not help you through your stay. This is your adventure Ni, hope you make the most of it.." Liam flew to Niall's cheek and gave him a small kiss. Niall giggled and nodded, the ball of light faded into stardust making the unlit hallway seem dimmer, he looked back at the door and stared at it hard, nothing. He sighed, then it came to him what he had to do,The shiny thingies! He grabbed them from his pocket and looked at them. There were 3 shiny thingies, one of them must open this door, he looked between all of them and finally decided on the biggest one, the other two were too small. He looked at the shiny thing and narrowed his eyes at its rough edges and round end. He pushed the rough edges into a hole that matched the pattern on the item. He heard a click and smiled, he pushed it lightly.   

He walked in and gawked at the huge room. Opening every single one of the doors and taking a few minutes to look at everything before exiting and entering the next one. He even saw that weird chair that humans seemed to enjoy so much to sit on. He took a closer look at the white contraption before pressing the button which made the water swirl. He shook his head, he will never understand.    He opened the last door and he felt a sudden wave of fatigue wash over him, the feeling was foreign to the blonde star, but he let it take over him as his eyes began to feel heavy. He fell into a random soft surface which made him fall even deeper into the spiral of sleep. He cuddled into the fluffy white pillow, not noticing the stranger that stood by the door with a smile plastered on his face as he watched the blonde boy fall asleep.   

On his bed. 


A/N: Was that good? Man, I don't even know. I have been getting these flow of ideas while doing the most craziest things. Literally, I was talking with my friend in science then mid-sentence I stood up and it was like you could see the light bulb on my head.   

Thus making...The Best Way To Fall. [applause]

If you still dont know what a 'beam' is just imagine a small ball of light that talks to you through your head in Liam's voice, how soothing? It flies like a...Pixie Liam or some shit pahahah.

The Best Way To Fall (Ziall AU)Where stories live. Discover now