He'll know who this girl is.

- Harry -

My feet padded along the dirt as I sped after the shadow, a good idea of who the figure was barging into my mind. If this truly was Marcus, this was my chance to catch him and finish business once and for all. However I managed to keep a sense of Louis back with that girl, and to my relief, Louis was listening to his thoughts.

The girl was trouble.

I was running so fast it was impossible to pop in front of the figure. I'd have to stop and then I'd lose sighting of it, and that was simply not an option. If this could be closure with my father, it needed to be done.

Finally gaining some proximity on the black shadow, I took a chance and leapt out to it but tumbled into the ground instead. I looked around me quickly, seeing the figure diminish right before my eyes.


Of course Marcus wouldn't confront me, not so openly. Although these are woods, you never know who is watching from what angle. And Marcus is smart like that, he knows he has stalkers. He wouldn't speak to me in such a vast portion of the land, but it still pissed me off that he popped away before I could stop him.

With my earshot still tuned on Louis (one of my specialties to keep a distance sense of someone), it wasn't hard to hear that unmistakable scream. But it wasn't the troubled girl's; it was Louis.

Louis was screaming for me.

And I don't think I've ever ran that fast in my life.

- Louis -

"Please," the girl chocked out, "You have to help me."

"I..." I fumbled for words, my mind whirling but my sympathy getting the best of me. I know whats it's like to stand terrified in one of those traps, and it's the most mortifying thing that has ever happened to me. I can't leave the girl there, practically holding the last few seconds of her life at hand. Harry was taking too long to get back, anyway. This girl could slip at any moment and off would go her leg.

Chewing my bottom lip, I crawled back over to the trap and read the instructions once more. The girl; continued to sob as she shakily watched me twist the dial. As soon as the click of disengagement rang through her ears, she hopped out of the trap. I expected a bombardment of thanks or maybe even a hug, but instead she just stood there.

A sinister smirk dancing across her lips.

"Oh, silly." She shook her head in amusement, stepping towards me as I scooted back on my butt. I was still on the ground from digging out the instructions, but now my feet felt too jelly like to stand. "That was a big mistake."

My heart pounded against my chest as a lump in my throat. "B-But I just helped you."

The girl threw her head back, a demonic laugh leaving her dark purple lips. "You're too nice for your own good, sweetie."

With that, she pulled a dagger out of her belt loops, swinging it nonchalantly around her finger as she inched towards me once more.

I did the only thing I could do as my back slammed into a tree behind me; I screamed. I screamed Harry's name.

But I knew no one would hear me, and I knew Harry wouldn't care.

It'b be miraculous if he even bothered to come back. He probably abandoned me on purpose, too annoyed to keep up with my rambling any longer. Although he told me to stay this morning, it could've been so he could dump me off himself just to make sure I was gone. He knew I would be lost, he knew I would be hopeless. Suddenly, I began to realize that this was probably his plan.

"Marcus will be so proud of me," the girl said with a chuckle as she pressed the dagger to my throat, tears spilling over my eyes.

But then realization hit me like a bus; she said Marcus. As in Harry's evil father? But why would he be proud of this female murdering me?

"Don't worry-" The girl smiled devilishly "-this will only hurt a lot."

She went to slice, but something knocked her down to the dirt, the dagger flying out of her hands, My heart was still in my throat as my tears stained my cheeks, my back pressing further into the tree as I watched the fight from behind.

The boy who saved me was Harry.

But after he snapped the female's neck (literally, with his hands), he stood and turned to face me. The hair was the exact curly, brown mess, the prominent jaw bone still the same with a dimple peering out on his left cheek. The height and body mass appeared to be precise, but something was different.

His eyes were brown.

"Are you all right, love?" he asked, the same exact deep accent rolling through my ears that Harry obtained; but this was not Harry.

He reached his hand out to me as if to help me up, but a booming voice from behind growled out, "Don't fucking touch him."

We both looked over to see the actual Harry, his green eyes darkened as he marched over. I glanced between the both of them with my teary eyes, my lips parting as I realized they look exactly the same aside from their eye color. The confusion must've been evident on my face as the boy's exchanged an unfriendly look. Well, Harry seemed unfriendly but the look alike seemed more than genuine.

The look alike smiled politely at me. "I can assume why the confusion is on your face." He chuckled before looking to Harry, but Harry was staring at the ground with his jaw clenched. "Care to fill the boy in, Harry?"

Harry swallowed, his dark eyes glancing up as he muttered in a bitter tone, "Louis, this is Jessie. My... brother."



Half Bad //l.sWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt