Jerek - Nothing like us

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Derek's pov

I have to tell him soon, but I just don't know how to, I don't know how I am going to be able to deal with his reaction, I don't know if I can take any of what is going on with me because he is going to freak out when I tell him.

And I don't want to tell him, but I have no choice because he is the only person I have left that loves me and I hope he still loves me after I tell him, I cant get anyone else to tell him because that wouldn't be fair, he needs to hear it from me.

Another day has gone by and I still haven't even dropped a hint, I have been acting as I usually would and I just cant do it anymore, I'm going to tell him tonight and that's it, it will be his decision what he decides to do with me.

I sat on my bed while he was in the shower, looking out the window as the raindrops slowly ran down the the glass, watching intently as a tear ran down at the same pace as the raindrop, the weather was expressing my emotions perfectly, I sniffled and rested my chin on the top of my knees, hugging my legs tightly to my chest, feeling my throat burn with the sob that wanted to escape, but I couldn't because he would hear me and be out here in a flash, that's just how protective he is.

Justin is going to hate me so much after I tell him, he's going to tell me to stay away from him and look at me in disgust and I'm not ready for that, I love him with all of my being, but it has to be done, I made the mistake of not telling him straight away and I am suffering for it.

I heard the shower switch off so I quickly wiped my tears and stood up, leaving my room and rushed down the stairs to start breakfast for him, I stood by the kitchen sink and quickly splashed water on my face to rid of the tear tracks.

My mum was out with her friends as she was just visiting and my father, well lets just say if you see him let me know, thanks.

I took out bacon and eggs from the fridge and got everything I need to make pancakes, when that was done I started making the mix for them and pored some mixture into a frying pan as I waited for it to cook, I got another pan and fried some bacon and eggs putting honey onto the bacon to make it sweet just how he likes it.

Once everything was cooked just the way he liked it, I plated up the food for us making sure that I put extra on Justin's plate and I was about to go and get the orange juice out of the fridge when I felt a pair of familiar strong arms wrap around my waist from behind as he buried his face into the back of my neck kissing it lightly.

"Morning baby." Justin rasped, I smiled and placed my hands on top of his that were around me and leant into his chest.

"Morning babe." I whispered as he kissed my neck again, thinking about how much I will miss feeling this when I tell him.

"I love you." He whispered into my neck as he spun me around and brought his lips against mine in a soft kiss that made me want to cry, I kissed him back squeezing my eyes shut tightly cherishing this moment with him until he pulled away pecking my lips once more.

"I love you so much more." I whispered back, smiling a small smile at him as I observed his features that were beaming at me.

Beautiful caramel eyes, dirty blonde hair that was messed up cutely, an adorable boyish grin on his face showing off his perfect white teeth, the small scar on the right side of his cheek only making him more beautiful, his beauty spots that he has scattered on his body flawlessly, his lips that are so full and plump and soft, it was like I was taking a mental picture of him.

"Are you ok baby?" He asked me while cupping my face in his hands and caressing both of my cheeks with his thumbs making me snap out of my thoughts and plaster a fake smile on my face.

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