Jastin - The fair

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Jason's pov

I was at the fair with a couple of friends.

It was only going to be here for a few days and then it is moving to a new location so we have practically come here everyday since its been here.

Well we have nothing else to do so why not? And it is better than us getting ourselves into trouble.

You see we are all in a gang but to be honest I do not want to be in it, people are always scared of me because they are afraid that I might kill them but I have honestly never killed someone in my whole twenty years.

People just think that I have and automatically assume that I am such a bad person but I am far from it, I am probably the most genuine person you would ever come to meet.

I mean sure I have beaten people until they are unconscious but I have never killed and I don't think I ever will.

The only reason I am in this pathetic gang is because I was pressured into it and you want to guess by who?

My own father.

He said it would teach me to toughen up because apparently I am a little pussy just because of my sexuality.

I am bisexual and he thinks that by killing and hurting people it will all of a sudden make  me turn straight, he tries to make me sleep with random women but I don't do it.

I have slept with a few people some men and some women but I am not a man whore, these are people that I have either been in a secret relationship with or had a friends with benefits kind of thing going on, but that never turns out right because one always catches feelings for the other and let me tell you it has never been me.

I end up having to tell them that I do not feel that way and then they say that they never want to see me again because I apparently have broken their hearts when they knew in the first place it was all for pleasure, we fuck then you leave that's it.

I actually want to be in a relationship with someone, one that will actually last for a long time, one where I can go to them and talk to them about anything, one I can just sit and have lazy days with cuddling on the sofa and eating a load of junk food while watching ridiculous films.

But everyone is too shit ass scared of me that I could never have that.

Any time that I try to talk to someone they freeze an then run off like I will kill them and it gets me down, I am not happy and I don't think I can be while I am in this pathetic gang.

I have wanted to get out of it so bad that I have even thought about grassing on everyone and telling the cops everything we have done, but I cant.    

I watched as all my friends walked in front of me and I trailed behind just looking around at all the lights that are glowing and lighting up the dark sky, I don't like walking around with them because they are loud and obnoxious, they always try to scare people and I'm not down with that so I always stay a few meters behind them and they never bother me knowing I like to be by myself.

I pulled out a cigarette and put it between my lips lighting it then letting out a puff of smoke into the air so it doesn't blow in any little kids faces, I don't want them to have black lungs from second hand smoking.

I took another drag and then stretched my neck up letting the smoke out slowly into rings when I heard a small voice speak making me look down and stop in my tracks.

"That is so cool, do it again." She spoke and I raised my eyebrow and looked behind me to see if she was speaking to someone else but there was no one there, so I looked back down at her and pointed to myself and she nodded with a cute little grin on her face.

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