Jastin - Bruised and beaten

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Justin is your typical sixteen year old boy but he cant be himself, well he can, but only around his twenty one year old boyfriend Jason. He is insecure and depressed but has been keeping it from his boyfriend since they got together.

Isn't it about time his boyfriend finds out and looks after him?

Justin's pov 

I sat on the edge of my bed staring into my body length mirror with nothing but my boxers and socks on in repugnance and dread. 

I absolutely detest myself. 

I feel nothing but resentment and distaste to my being, I should not be here because I am a complete abomination to the human race. 

I pinched at the skin of my fat thighs and my bulging stomach that I have tried so hard to get rid of but nothing seems to work. I pinched and pinched until the skin was red then started to scratch at it with my nails to make my skin bleed just how I like it. 

Once it started to bleed I let out a sigh of relief to see the red liquid flowing down the different areas of my body onto the laminated floor. 

The screaming and shouting got louder and louder and I tried to block it off but nothing was working out for me so I just sat there suffering listening to my so called parents tear each other apart with foul words, I knew just how this was going to turn out the way it always does. 

They are both drug addicts and alcoholics and as soon as they are intoxicated enough they start to shout at each other, then they make up if you know what I mean, even if I'm in the house and then I get beaten and tortured by them until they think I have had enough.  

I poked at the bruising and cuts on my stomach making them turn white as I did then they went back to their purple and yellow colouring.

Even though the skin was tender I kept on poking at it. 

I cant explain to you how much I dislike myself, everyone hates me in school and even when I get home I don't have a break from the torment and abuse. 

Now you may be shocked but I have a boyfriend that I love dearly, his name is Jason and he is in a gang, you may be thinking oh he's no good and he's nothing but trouble but no. 

He is the most amazing person I have ever met, he cares and loves me so much but he doesn't know about anything that goes on in school or at home, He's twenty one and I am sixteen but age doesn't matter, at least not to me.

I met him when he saw me sat in the pouring down rain on a bench in an abandoned park, he was driving past but got out of the warmth and comfort of his car to come and see if I was ok. 

I told him that I was fine and just wanted fresh air even though it was raining and we ended up talking to each other for about three hours in his car.  

We laughed and joked and it felt like we had known each other for ages but we only met hours before, he took my number and I took his and then we met up the next day at a coffee shop and things just happened from then on.

We went on a few dates and then he asked me out about three weeks later and how could I refuse someone as perfect as him? 

I have no idea what he is doing with someone like me because he could do so much better but he always says that I am all he wants, I don't see it though. 

He is truly the only person that can make me forget about my problems, he can make me forget about my insecurities and my depression but as soon as I am alone and not around him, It all hits me like a wave and I become this shell of a person once again. 

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