Chapter 11: If you liked it then you should have put a ring on it !

Start from the beginning

"Hey..." Louis pouted, "thats not nice. How would you like it if you got hit on the head? huh!?" He retaliated, still rubbing his head.

"Well i didn't, so suck shit." I laughed and looked down towards my pocket. I went to reach for my phone to take a picture of Louis, looking like a dickhead but, completely forgot about not having it, which reminded me of what i wanted to ask Louis in the first place.

"Hey have you seen my- OWWW! what the fuck was that for you idiot?!" Now I was the one rubbing my head vigorously, in pain. Louis was standing there with a smug look on his face, showing accomplishment..

"umm, you were saying.." I just shook my head and ignored what just happened, in my attempt to move on, with an amused look, not gone amiss from my face.

"yes, as i was saying, where the fuck is my phone?" Louis just shrugged and walked back to the fridge, not bothering to answer my question with words like a normal human being. 

"Seriously? your not even going to help me find it? The last time i saw it, was when i was here about a week ago" His head popped up from behind the fridge.

"why don't you try calling it?" His eyes widened at what he just said and quickly hid his head behind the fridge once again. What the heck?...oh was probably nothing, so i just brushed it off.

"I have but i forgot that i put it on silent."

"You lost your phone and its on silent? If you liked it you should have put a ring on it!" He sang, to the tune of 'Single Ladies' by Beyonce and shook his hand.

"Louis are you sure your not gay? Like seriously? Have you been lying to us the whole time?"

The smirk on his face faded almost instantly, replacing it with a look of vexation, his blue eyes piercing into my brown ones and a scowl, completely present aswell. He slams the fridge door and strides towards me.

I tried to refrain myself from laughing at his acrimonious answer. He never failed to amuse anyone thats for sure. 

"OWW!! Louis !! what the fuck was that for?!" I was too busy laughing that i didnt see him slap me. 

"That is for calling me gay," He paused for a moment before continuing "and this," He slaps me once again, making me wince due to the sudden sting caused by the friction of his hand on my arm. "is for laughing at me."

I shoot a nasty glare at a smug Louis and begin to rub my arm, in hopes to reduce the pain now taking over my upper arm.

 "Say your sorry.."

 I raise my eyebrows at him, quite amused with his absurd demand.

 "excuse me?"


 "mate i know what you said."

"well, then say sorry.."

I thought for a moment before answering him.

"Alright, i will if you let me borrow your phone so i can call my girlfriend, because you know, I've lost my phone and haven't spoken to her in almost a week." Without hesitation he reached into his pocket and pulled out a phone that looked the EXACT same as mine.

"LOUIS !! is that my fucking phone?!"

He looked confused but his eyes widened once he realised what he had done and quickly shoved the phone back into his pocket.

 That little shit stole my phone

 "Louis get your arse back here now !!"

"I DONT KNOW WHAT YOUR TALKING ABOUT!!" His voice was barely heard from down the corridor. I chased him down the corridor towards his bedroom, which was the direction he was headed in. Luckily for me, and unfortunately for him, i just made it into his room, before he had the chance to slam the door in my face.

Without giving it a second thought, i tackled Louis on my bed and effortlessly snatched the phone from his pocket. Thats the good thing about Louis being small, he's an easy target and wresting and shit is never a competition. I laughed a laugh of defeat and pranced out of the room towards the couch and mirrored the same position that Louis was only 5 minutes ago and checked my phone.

From: Aria

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