Chapter 12

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I am back from the dead! Apologies everyone! I have been so busy with exams! Here is your new chapter! Sorry if it is a little short.

Oh, and here's how to pronounce everyone's names:

Elixir: L (how you pronounce the letter L), icks (like six, except without the s), and basically finish her name off with an eer sound.

Crystalline: Basically, how you say Crystal. Except with een on the end.

Skylar: How you pronouce Sky, and then with an ar (the way you pronounce car, except, of course, without the c).


Elixir stared. Was this girl crazy? Was she an impostor? Was she lying? Yet she found herself answering all of them:




Skylar smiled, as if the situation that they were in was the simplest thing in the world.

Elixir crossed her legs, and tried to maintain something of a calm feeling. Her heart was racing through her chest, and her brain was almost pounding with questions.

There was an extremely awkward silence, before either of them decided to break it.

"Are we going to die?" Elixir croaked, feeling numb immidiately after asking it. She'd never liked the thought of dying, even when she was in a casual place. But now, when she was out of her comfort zone, and threatened with even the smallest possibility of death, her throaght seemed to tighten.

Skylar's face suddenly went solemn.

"No. But they sure as heck aren't going to keep us like this." She gestured to the cell around her. Elixir understood.

Of course. Why would they?

" did you get here?" Elixir wanted to get her mind off death.

Skylar stared at her.

"It's a long story."

"I think we've got time."

And with that, Skylar nodded. "All right." And sat with her back resting against the wall, to start her story.


"Oh my god I could kill you Chase!!" Crystalline raged, storming around the living room. Chase and Archer were both standing, wide eyed, as the gorgeous girl that they knew, was swearing and stomping around the house. At a mood like this, she wasn't someone to mess with.

"But Crystal..." Chase tried to butt in sensitively, but ducked as a vase flew past his head, and smashed on the wall.

"But what Chase?" She demmanded. "How could you let another one go?"

"In my defense..."

"No Chase!" Crystalline yelled. "No excuses. You let Skylar go. She's probably dead."

Archer winced at the thought.

"And now, now you have to let Elixir get captured too?"

"That wasn't my fault!" Chase argued.

"Oh, lets all give ourselves up then, shall we? We can all have a bloody fantastic party with the X, whilst they dominate the world." The girls voice was drenched with sarcasm.

Archer stepped in. "Crystall. Elixir sort of put this on herself."

As Crystalline threw him a glare, he sympathised a little.

"Addmitedly, it would have been nice to have someone accompany her, but Chase didn't let her go at first." He continued.

Chase nodded.

Crystalline calmed down a little.

"Right then." She cracked her knuckles menacingly. "We've got to go and get them back, hadn't we?"


"So, I was with Crystalline, Archer and Chase and Angeline and we were just coming back from town. It had been a nice day. We hadn't noticed anyone following us. Ha. We didn't understand how much danger we could be in. We headed home, and were sitting on the sofas. That's when we heard a knock on the door. At first, none of us went to answer it. Then, the noise went away. After a few minutes, there was another knock on the door. Chase went to answer it, reluctantly. It was a girl. She was around the same age as us, except the look on her face told me that she was dangerous. She had long flowing brown hair, and yelled as soon as she'd seen all of us. Then, windows smashed, and people in black suits and sunglasses came in through them. We were all terrified. We hadn't had our powers at that stage. What were we to do?" Skylar shot a quick glance of desperation at Elixir, before continuing.

"The girl at the front door dissapeared as soon as the men came in. Chase mannaged to knock one of the guys out, Acher also, but there were five left. Then they pulled out their machine guns. It was terrifying. I remember one of the men saying something about keeping us all alive, whilst another looked very reluctant at this point. Archer immidiately covered his sister, blocking her, before moving backwards towards one of the rooms. I was looking around, and then I heard Crystalline yell. There was a man behind me, and he grabbed me. He had one arm around my neck, and the gun pressed to my head. He said that if anyone moved..." She let out a shuddering breath "He would shoot. Of course, no one dared to move. They just stared hopelessly, as I was dragged backwards, stumbling as I went, out of the house. I got shoved into this big car. Probably the same one you were in, and then they drove away. Then, I came here. Damien was here. He was nice. At first. He said that he wanted me to join their side. The apparent good side. He said that they could use my powers for good. But I knew that wasn't the case. So I refused. And then he turned nasty. They locked me in here, thinking that it would change my mind. That was until the day I got my powers. Oh yes, then they were much more interested in me! They sometimes let me out, talked to me, tried to persuade me to work with them. And every time, I refused."

Elixir felt a sudden pang of pity for this girl.

"And then what did they do?" Elixir urged her on, even though she couldn't bear it.

"Then, they tried to take the power out of me." she pulled back her sleeve to show small dots, from where a needle had been.

Elixir gasped.

"Oh Skylar! Did they...did they take your powers away?"

Skylar looked upset. She stared at Elixir through her big, mesmerising emerald eyes.

In a split second, after seeing Elixir's horrified face, her face transformed into a grin.

"I'm just joking with you! You can never get these powers out of you! Not even if you tried!"

"And what is your power?"

"Well, I have super enhanced senses. I can touch a wall, and tell what's on the other side. I can hear things from a mile away, and can see the closest detail." She explained.

Elixir wasn't one to usually get jealous , but she had to admit that her own powers didn't seem half as impressive as Skylar's!

"But that's not the point!" Skylar's voice broke through Elixir's jealous thoughts. "We have to get out of here!"

Elixir nodded, and suddenly, the white door to their cell slid open.

"Well, Miss Elixir, it's a pleasure to have you with us!"

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2013 ⏰

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