one heck of a dinner

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skylar is the best wolf ever. i wont replace her for anything.

i opened the door and dylan , lucy and victoria were leaning on it so they fell on the floor.

"care to explain?" adam asked.

"they wanted to know what is happening" dylan accused the girls.

"i'll deal with this tomorrow." i said pointing my finger at them before walking into the hallway. and my whole pack was there. okay... why!?

"good luck alpha"

"go get her girl"

"you'll do great alpha"

everybody started saying stuff like that.

"c'mon guys my mom isnt that bad" adam said

"mmhmm" everybody replied in unision.

i laughed and pulled adam outside.

i entered the car and soon adam entered too. he quickly pulled me into his lap and we were making out .

"we'll be late." i said between kisses.

"i dont care" he said pulling ne closer if that's possible.

"adam stop " i said playfully after pulling away.

"fine he grumpled.

i sat back in my seat and we were off to adam's house.

we finally arrived and we got out of the car. i took a deep breath before walking. adam wrapped his arm around my waist before ringing the bell.

his mom opened the door and looked me up and down before putting a huge grin on her face.

"hii im jade, adam's mom. you must be davina. its so nice to finally meet you. adam told me alot about you." she said shaking my hand.

she's not that bad!!! infact she's not bad at all. she's so nice and cute.

we entered and sat in the living room. i greeted adam's dad and sat on the sofa.

i heard hard footsteps coming down the stairs and a girl about 14 years old appeared with a huge smile on her face. she had brown wavy hair, just like adam, she had brown eyes, just like adam. gosh they look so much alike.

"hii my name is macy and im adam's little sister." she said hugging me. i hugged her back and giggled.

"hi, its so nice to meet you, adam told me alot about you." i replied smiling widely.

"really?" she asked , her brown eyes widening.

"yeah. he tells me all about you. he showed me your dancing videos and let me tell you, you're amazing. you're gonna be something big oneday." i said.

it was true, adam talks about macy alot. he adores her. macy is a contemporary dancer and she is fantastic. i can tell she has a bright future.

"thank you dav. adam said you can sing. can you sing something?" she asked hopefully.

"macy stop bothering her. c'mon dinners ready." jade said.

macy's face fell and she walked into the dining room.

"after dinner" i whispered in her ear. she squealed grinning.

we started having a chat about packs and other stuff.

"why arent you marked yet?" jade asked

"i guess we're waiting for the right moment" i answered looking at my hands.

she nodded.

"so you're an alpha?" jade asked

"yes ma'am" i replied.

"but kate didnt have kids. so who are you?" she asked suspiciously.

okay.. now i get why the pack members warned me.

"im alpha daniel's daghter." i replied.

"but if you already have a pack , why are you ruling alpha logan's pack?" i asked again.

"4 month ago , the blue moon pack was attacked bt rouges. they killed my whole pack using silver. my dad died that day and the only reason me, dylan and lucy are alive is beacuse we were at a lake outside the blue moon's teritory . when we went back eveybody was dead." i asnwered.

"so you're a rouge? how are you a rouge and you are ruling a pack?" she asked. her jaw tightened and she clenched her fists. oh no this is not good.

"mom stop it" adam said.

"no adam its ok. yes i WAS a rouge after my pack died, but i went for my uncle , alpha logan, for help. he excepted me and my friends in his pack, and because he didnt have kids he offered me to take the alpha spot once im 18" i asnwered.

pleas dont ask anymore question, please dont ask anymore questions!!!

"why are your friends the beta and delta?" she asked, yet another question.
"did they take the positions because they're your friends. that isnt fair at all. i cant believe kate and logan agreed to this. i bet you're not even strong." she said.

oh no sh didnt!! she did not just insult me , my friends, my pack and my aunt and uncle!!

i stood up and looked at her striaght in the eye.

"mrs woods with all dew my respect, i wont let you insult me or anyone i care about! for your records , the blue moon pack was the strongest pack in the USA !! dylan was my beta and and lucy was my delta, which makes them the strongest beta and delta in the USA. the lightining's beta killed himself so dylan was the right fit, and the former delta was transfered to her mate's pack so lucy was the one. and i would never give a position that high and import for anybody who dosnt diserve it , even if it was my friend. and you think im not strong? well, i hate to prove you wrong, but im they first female to be an alpha, daughter of the strongest alpha and luna , and a freaking white wolf!!"

wow. i talked alot. but that bitch needed someone to put her in place. i dont care if she's a luna, she disrespected me!! oh no, adam!!

"she passed, i give you my blessing" jade said smirking at adam.

"wait what!?" i asked totally confused.

"she was testing you to see if you're good enough for me, and you passed" adam looked at me proudly.

"so all of this was an act!?" i asked again.

"yup, good work dav!" macy squealed.

i just stood there looking at them.

"but what about the pack memebers, and kate!!" i asked.

"when they went on the run i talked to them and offered then money to do it, that's why we all came back to you, but dyaln and lucy took twice the price to agree but its worth it. and kate said she trusts you to pass this so she agreed to help." adam said.

i sat back down and looked at jade

"so how excatly was this test going to be?" i asked her

"if you dont defend yourself then you're not ready to be a luna, but if you do defend yourself you pass." she smiled

"i assure you, my son is a lucky guy. oh and i never meant what i said, it was all part of the plan , and i already know about everything that happened. " she said . and i nodded.

"gosh im still shocked" i said before laughing. everybody joined in. i gotta admitt, this lady is a genious. i take back calling her a bitch.


next update: saturday.

my birthday is on monday!!! yayy!!

thabks for reading

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