How I met the blind Girl

Start from the beginning

I'm tired of being a good girl and being a daughter of a rich man like him doesn't do any good for me, but it has its perks also, I can buy whatever I want.

I did some tricks then when I think that's enough for today I stopped and picked up my skateboard. Charlie sat beside me and handed me a bottled water and a towel.

"Thanks charlie" I said with a smile and he just nodded and smiled at me.

"Are you hungry Y/N? I know you haven't eaten anything this morning" charlie asked me.

"Yeah i'm kinda hungry, come on charlie let's find some good restaurant to eat" I said standing up and dusted myself.

"Where do you want to eat Y/N?" He asked, "do you want to eat on an expensive restaurant?" He asked again. I rolled my eyes.

"Charlie, a simple diner is enough, honestly I really hate eating on expensive restaurant" I said and he laughed,

"And I maybe a brat but not that spoiled that wants luxury, sometimes simple things makes me happy" I said

"I know that Y/N you're different from your sister, but a good different" Charlie commented,

I laughed, yeah I have a sister, she's one year older than me and I might say she's a spoiled brat, she buys anything luxurious, and really bitchy I might say.

And she's the favorite daughter of dad, he is proud of her and he always brag the accomplishment of my sister to his colleagues, while me he sees me as a pain in the neck, a burden, mom is the only thing I have and then my dad take her away from me, him and Britt is teaming up against me, they are my family but they make my life miserable such a great family I got there, but I am planning at living on my own, I am saving money, and if I have enough I am going to establish my own business and make my own money.

"Hey Y/N I found a diner near here, come on Y/N I'll drive" charlie said

"Okay charlie, you'll drive" I said laughing

We drive for about 5 minutes and we arrived at the simple diner, we entered and we find a seat, I settled at the table near the window taking in the beautiful view of the park,

"Y/N what do you want to eat?" Charlie asked me

"Pancakes is okay with me" I said with a smile

When charlie went to order again I wander my eyes on the park then a certain girl caught my eye, she has a jet black hair that looks so silky and soft, then pale skin. In short she's beautiful, I stared at her and I smiled to myself.

"Who are you staring at?" Charlie asked me, as he gave me a plate of pancakes and a glass of orange juice.

"That beautiful girl over there, I wonder why is she alone there" I said and started to eat my food.

"Yeah she's beautiful, then why don't you go to her, talk to her" he said and I smiled.

"Later charlie" I said chuckling,

"But I tell you Y/N don't break her heart, she seems fragile and vulnerable, you are known as a heartbreaker" charlie said seriously.

"I won't charlie she's different, I know that, but a good different" I finished my statement and looked at the girl again but there's a group of boys surround her and one of them pushed her making her fall on her butt.

She immediately cried, it made my blood boil when I saw the tears falling down from her cheek.

"I'll be back charlie" I said and stood up running towards them.

"You don't deserve to live" one of them said.

"You're just a burden" then the other insulted her then laughed.

"Hey knock it off!" I yelled angrily, they looked at my way.

"Let us be or you wanted to be hurt" one of them threatened but i'm not afraid to his threat.

"I'm not afraid" I said then position myself in a fighting stance.

There are four of them but that's not a problem to me. One of them charged at me and threw a punch but I dodged and punched him to the stomach, then kicked his shin he fell face first on the ground grunting in pain.

Then the remaining three charged at me but I gave them a full round house kick then they fell down.

They hastily got up and then ran away.

I quickly go to the beautiful girl and she is still crying.

"Shh don't cry now, they're gone" I said then i'm wondering why isn't she looking at my way, then I waved my hands in front of her face and she doesn't blinked, that's when I realized she was blind.

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