"Then it's on!" Gon dashed ahead too, pumped up by the idea of free meal "Let's go Lux. I'll be fun."

Luna sighed in defeat. "I guess I don't have much a choice" she mumbled. She has to stay with him at all cost anyway even it means she has to tolerate the silver-headed boy and his rotten tongue. She begrudgingly sped her march yet her movements were light and at ease. It wasn't long and she once again found her company with the two boys.

As they picked up the pace, they caught up with other two companions of Gon. Kurapika was the blond guy and Leorio -the hotheaded, who always talked about money every time Kurapika would ask him what made him join the exam. But his answer held much deeper meaning than it seemed. For he wanted to be a Hunter was not for the money alone but to help sick people who can't afford to send themselves to the hospital using the cash he would get. On the other hand, Kurapika seemed to be someone relatable because he joined the exam to seek vengeance. He held a big grudge with this so called Phantom Troupe -a group of outlaws who murdered his entire clan just for their exotic eyes that could turn red once provoked.

In every story that they shared she found herself more entranced and closer to the group. It was a great advantage to have learned a lot from Gon's companions for a short period of time. This information might come in handy on her plan to get closer to them. It is a must that she stayed in this group until the end of the Hunter Exam.

Since it became an interesting topic, Gon took his privilege to ask Killua's reason for joining. Though the boy was merely seeking for thrill and excitement and was hoping that he could find it in the Hunter Exam. It has been the talk of the town how the prestigious exam give the real challenges worthy for him yet he was disappointed to have end up running for the first test.

When it was time for Killua to ask Gon the same question, she has confirmed that her father's information was accurate ; Gon wanted to become a hunter just like his old man.

"My dad joined the Hunter Exam when he was twelve and he passed. I was raised by my aunt Mito-san so I only saw him on pictures. I want to find out why he chose to be a Hunter than to be his son. I want to know why he left." Gon stated as Luna stared in sympathy, searching within the depths of his eyes any sign of hate or sadness yet she failed find any instead he made a smile of pure hope.

She doesn't like the guilt dominating within her and gnawing every reason why she loathed the boy at the first place. What is wrong for her to judge the boy so easily just because of his father's mistake? Was it fair for her to make such assumptions? Maybe the boy was just a longing child heedless of his own father's sins.

"Are you sure about that?" Luna queried though it sounded more like a warning. The shame of her early assumptions made it difficult for her to look at him directly. But her unlikely response captured the attention of her companions that added a little bit of pressure to her.

"What do you mean?" Gon innocently asked.

She has to clear a forming lump on her throat to continue, "I-I mean, do really wanted to know the truth? Are you prepared to know everything even it is n-not what you expected?" Her voice came unsteady. She never thought asking these kinds of questions could be so nerve-wracking. She was never cut out to be the bearer of bad news.

Gon shifted his eyes down, drown in his own thoughts. Luna couldn't tell what was exactly going through his mind. If he's hurting, she couldn't say from his blank expression.

Killua, on the other hand, shrugged. "Well, it's better than knowing nothing at all. Besides what the worst thing that could happen?" he commented thoughtlessly before stretching both his arms to the back of his head, propping it as he leaned his head back.

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