"Fucking shit," I muttered as I rubbed my face, heaving both hands through my hair and letting out a breath

             I didn't want to be such a prick to him, but I couldn't help it. I was raised to be independent and on my own. I'm not used to having people journey by my side, nor am I used to any human with actual feelings. Hell, I hardly even know what it's like to feel shit anymore. I've been locked up in a cell for two years, so it's not like I've had much experience. That doesn't include what I did in the past, but the past is the past for a reason and I'd like to move on from it.

            But a part of me wouldn't let Louis walk away.

            "Louis, wait." I stood and jogged over to him, fighting the urge to grab his wrist as he hit the first step for the door. He turned to face me, his eyes watery.

            Nice fucking job, Styles. You made the boy cry.

            "Louis..." I sighed, heaving a hand through my hair. "I'm sorry, okay?"

Louis shook his head. "It doesn't matter, Harry. I get it, all right? Just leave it at that."

            "You get what?"

            "That you don't want me around. That I'm just some pointless wandering you felt sorry for. I get that we aren't friends or anything close to it, so I shouldn't even be upset right now. I should be used to you acting like an asshole and this is only my second day knowing you," he snapped.

            I shook my head, rubbing my forehead. "Louis, I'm not trying to purposely be a dick towards you."

            "Well you sure act like it!" he yelled, wiping the tears that fled his eyes. "I'm sick of being mistreated by everyone, Harry. If you want me to leave, I will."

            I sucked in a sharp breath, pressing my lips together. I didn't want Louis to leave, but I couldn't bring myself to admit that out loud. I couldn't admit to him that I found him downright adorable with his rambling and constant teasing. I couldn't admit to him that in just two days he's made me smile more than anyone else has. I couldn't admit anything to him, so I stood there like an idiot.

Louis bit his bottom lip, nodding once as tears trickled down his face. "All right... I'll leave tomorrow morning."

            "Leave where?" I managed to challenge, but my voice was hardly audible.

            "I don't fucking know, Harry. Maybe I'll find a cozy box under the highway to sleep in. But I know anywhere is better than here with you," he spat, turning around and entering the house.

            Muttering profanities under my breath, I followed him inside like a lost puppy. He rounded the corner of the hallway where Max had told us we could stay. Of course we'd be sharing a room, but it's not like I could touch him anyways. I'd rather not get a third degree burn today, or ever, really.

            Everyone else was already asleep, the house silent without a single noise bouncing through the walls. Louis wiped his face again before slinging one side of the covers off, ducking himself under them and pulling them up to his chin. I sighed once more, heaving a hand through my hair before quietly closing the door and sitting on the edge of the bed he wasn't occupying. I didn't know how to calm him down. I'm not a fucking comfort person; I kill to survive. I've never had to deal with people crying before, so this is just fucking weird for me.

            The only thing that managed to leave my lips was a faint, pathetic, "I'm sorry."

Louis scoffed, sniffing straight afterwards as he ignored me, continuing to keep his back towards me. I knew he wasn't asleep, but he wasn't giving out any signs of being awake, either. He was just lying there, silently crying to himself.

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