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Thranduil laughed. "Maybe Estel has something there with not making bets with my family."

"Lesson learned" Elrond smiled, shaking his head at his friend. "Lesson definitely learned."


The week leading up to the wedding was kind of hectic, but good. It gave everyone a chance to spend time with people they hadn't had the opportunity to.

Legolas and Arwen grew very close that week. Working on the wedding gave them a chance to get to know each other better, while also getting to ask funny and personal questions about their respective mates. They asked about others that had shown interest in Lainor and Estel, about embarrassing childhood stories, and they asked questions that they couldn't get them to answer themselves.

"He did not." Legolas laughed.

"He did. Estel has always been so good with animals. He definitely excelled in healing as well, even at such a young age. He was so mad at ada for not letting him bring the injured wolf into his chambers that he slept beside the creature in the woods for two weeks while tending to it's wounds." Arwen replied.

"That seems like something he would do. He definitely has a knack for healing. I'm a testament to that." Legolas said.

Arwen smiled up at him. "Since then, I'd wager that he's spent more nights under the night sky than under a ceiling."

"He does seem quite comfortable outdoors. We have that in common." Legolas spoke.

"You two have a lot in common. You share a peace with nature that a lot of elves have lost." Arwen smiled. "Okay, tell me one."

Legolas thought back. "Hmmmm. Well, has he told you what that hideous charm he wears on his sword belt is?"

"The little purple thing?" She asked.

Legolas chuckled. "Yes. When I was but an elfling, I would walk the river bank looking for colorful stones. Most of them were red or tan, but one day I found a purple one. It was the prettiest one I had ever found. I took it back to Lumorniel so she could help me put it on a band. Well, I wore it around my neck for about two weeks. One of the kitchen servants didn't approve of Lumorniel bringing me around with her, but I think he was just jealous that Thranduil liked her so much. He told me that little elves who wore pretty colors like purple grew up to be useless sissies."

"Mellon nin, that's horrible!" Arwen replied. "Did you tell Lainor?"

Still laughing, Legolas responded. "Yes. He asked me why my rock was in the trash and I told him. He tried to convince me that the servant had lied, but I was just a little elf. I was stubborn and mad. Lainor took the band out of the trash and tied it around his own neck. He picked me up and put me on his shoulders and marched straight down to the kitchen. When he found the servant he confronted him about teasing me, with me on his shoulders and that stupid rock around his neck."

Arwen was laughing. "Oh, my. Did the servant survive this?"

"He did." Legolas responded. "Lainor had the servant repeat what he had said. He gave him a little shove and told him that if he ever teased me again that he'd have all of his clothing switched out with bright purple and pink nightgowns."

"Did he ever bother you again?" Arwen asked.

"Nope. In fact, I don't remember seeing much of him at all. Lainor insisted on wearing the rock still. I think he just wanted to prove a point. When the band finally broke years and years later, he had Lumorniel secure it to his sword belt. It's been there ever since." Legolas was smiling fondly at the memory.

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