"We should get back if you want to see your family at all today." Legolas spoke.

"Can we just make camp here?" Estel asked. "If you don't mind, I think I'd like to live in this moment for a while longer."

"Me too." Legolas responded.

When a small bed of leaves was gathered and Legolas was curled safely into Estel's side, Estel laid a single chaste kiss on his cheek and hummed the prince to sleep.
After sitting down with Elrond, Thranduil, and the twins for dinner, Lainor found himself having to lie once more.

"Have any of you seen Estel? We have been here for days and our dear host has only seen him twice!" Elrond laughed.

Elrohir and Elladan looked at each other and shook their heads "no."

Lainor sighed and spoke up. "I did. After I left the twins to rest after our hunt, I went and sought out Estel. He had already grabbed provisions from the kitchen and planned on making camp down by the river." He tried to make it as believable as possible. When Elrond had signs of doubt on his face, Lainor upped his game a bit. "Lord Elrond, Estel is a most talented artist. Did you teach him?"

"He learned a bit from me and a bit from his sister." Elrond responded with a genuine smile on his face. "It is something he excels at even farther than anything we taught him."

Lainor smiled back at Elrond. "Well I am thinking of asking him to create something to hang above my workspace. I always dread walking into that room and staring upon mounds of parchment and tasks. It would be wonderful to have something beautiful to look at."

Thranduil joked, "Maybe you'd get some of your work done on time if you weren't so reluctant to enter your workspace." and he laughed.

The subject was dropped and forgotten for another time.

This routine that they had forged continued on for about three weeks. Lainor would catch moments here and there with Estel to make sure that they had their story straight and Estel would join the group for a breakfast or a lunch every few days to ensure that his adar didn't think he had died or run away.

Lumorniel continued to pack supplies for both of them and had recently figured out that Lainor also knew that was going on. Estel had made sure that Legolas was the one that most often picked up their supplies. He had seen the sorrow in Lumorniel's face when she thought she wouldn't be seeing Legolas anymore.

For three weeks the excitement and joy of seeing each other again kept Thranduil and Elrond distracted enough not to think about their youngest iôns too much. Elrohir and Elladan became quite curious, however, when one of the cover stories Lainor told Elrond didn't add up. They decided between the two of them to keep their mouths shut for a while seeing as Estel always looked happy when he would actually come around.

Thranduil decided to call a large celebration to be planned. A week out they would have more old friends come visit the kingdom. There would be food and singing and dancing. It had been so long since there had been true celebration in the halls of the palace, so Thranduil and Elrond set out to make this one count.

A few days into the planning, Estel had joined in the morning meal and was told that others would be arriving shortly. many names were shared but few were recognized. Estel was excited to hear that a guard would be bringing Arwen to join in the festivities. He was hoping that Legolas would be willing to meet her. Estel and Arwen were well matched in their ability to love and their capacity for compassion. He knew that Legolas would love her if he would only trust him enough to meet her.

"Legolas" Estel called out once he reached their galadh. "Legolas I have food and news."

Legolas dropped down from the branches and onto Estel's back. Wrapping his legs around his waist and his arms around his shoulders, he nuzzled his face into Estel's neck. Legolas said something, but it came out muffled causing estel to laugh.

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