21: Whenever You're Ready.

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My voice was a whisper, barely audible, but since he's got sharp senses, due to his werewolf abilities, he heard me.

He wiped his tears with the back of his hands.

"I-i'm sorry. I just...i'm, I came to accept your rejection."

Blood drained from my face, and I winced when I felt churns and pain.

"I, Tyler Black, ac-cept..." He trailed off. (A/N too dramatic, i apologize. lol)

My eyes were screwed shut, as if closing them would lessen the pain. My lips were quivering, hands were shaking.

He still hasn't finished the sentence.

I'm still his mate.

"Grace, I-I can't do it. It hurts, and it'll hurt more.."

I haven't realized that I've been holding my breath until I let go of it.

"Whenever you're ready, Tyler," I said, my voice thick with sobs.

He nodded and shuffled out of the room. A single tear made its way down my cheek. My phone rang, not giving me time to embrace the pain.

"Hey!" It was Emma.

"Hi," I greeted back.

"You okay? You seem..I don't know. Are you okay?" She asked.

"I'm fine, what's up?" I said.

"No. I wanted to tell you I was gonna be out late, but I'm coming, you don't seem fine."

"No, no," I sighed. "Just, its okay. Have fun."

After moments of insisting, she agreed.

And I was left alone again.


It was past midnight when I heard a knock on the door. I though it would be Emma, who probably forgot her keys.

Then, it turned into a bang. And I panicked.

It wasn't Emma.

It was Tyler.

Drunk. Reeking with the smell of alcohol.

"Tyler, what the hell?"

If he was a mess in the morning, he looks dead by now.

His legs were jelly and his knees buckled under him.

I didn't know what to do. Emma wasn't here. And I was panicking.

There's only one person I can call- Mark.

I was about to stand get my phone, when he grabbed my wrist, "no."


"No, listen to me," he slurred his last sentence. "I won't reject you."

"Tyler, let go of my hand," i began to pull away, just for him to tighten his grip.

"Not until you listen to me," he pointed at me.

I already did.

"Do you have the slightest idea what you're doing to me?"

"Tyler, I-"

"Kill me," he whispered. "You're already doing it, slowly. Make it fast. Kill me."

He was shaking with sobs, and I could tell the same about myself.

I wiped my tears and cleared my vision to see his outstretched arms, and in his hands were a silver gun.

With a freaking wolf carving on it.

"Do it," he nudged me with the gun. "Quicker."

I heard if werewolf mates stay away from each other, they die.

"Do it!" He yelled and kicked the wall, tears streaming down his cheeks.

Drunk Tyler is not a pretty sight.

"No, no, Tyler. What did I do?" I asked myself as realization hits me.

I rejected my werewolf mate.

I rejected someone. Someone who's life depends on me.

I rejected someone I'm falling for.

By now, he was near the door, his back supported by the wall. He banged his head in the wall occasionally and sobbed.

I crouched down across him and took his gun away from him and took the gun away from him. He tensed and looked at me.

"You-you'll.." He pointed at his gun and then at his temple.

I shook my head, not breaking eye contact.

"Then you'll let me suffer," he gave a sigh.

I wiped his tears with my thumb as a tear betrayed me and fell.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, Tyler."

"Whatever," he slurred again.

I pulled away from his cheeks and grabbed my phone to call Mark to come and get Tyler.

After a few moments, which I embraced by wiping my tears and getting myself back together, Mark showed up, apologizing about Tyler's actions. I dismissed him and apologized about waking him up.

After all that was done, both were gone and I was left in peace. I sighed heavily, taking all what i was feeling in that simple gesture.

It was going to be a long night.


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