Chapter 6: Finding Friends in High Places

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"Where are we going?" asked Ro amidst their silent march. "It feels like we've been walking for days, but every time I turn around I can still see the black smog from Mine."

Harmonia only laughed, "If you are already complaining that your feet hurt then you're in serious trouble. Just the trip from Ralph's Castle to Mine took me nearly four days. If it hadn't been for Bird I might still be up there."

"I know, I know," Ro dropped his shoulders already feeling his feet dragging through the dirt. "Maybe we can just stop for a second. I think all I need is a little refresher."

With that he threw his pack onto the stony ground and immediately dropped. Harmonia followed by finding a seat upon a nearby rock. She could already feel Bird rustling back to life from its deep slumber within its pocket. The small buttoned flap was opened as the red feathered skylark raced up into the sky. The little bird still held far more energy than its exhausted companions. As it zoomed to and fro, spiralling in a whirlwind of feathers through the clear blue sky, it became clear Bird was in the mood to play.

"Maybe a little later Bird," stated Harmonia. "I've still got plenty of energy but I have to save it for the rest of our walk. You know, not everyone has wings like you. We can't just land on someone's shoulder whenever we're tired."

Bird's tone resounded with a certainty that made its friend Harmony feel as if it had understood, "Chirp, cheep-cheep, chirp!"

Ro had finally caught his breath as he withdrew the fresh water they had brought along, "That little one seems to have more energy than the both of us combined."

"Some of the smallest things can have the most to offer," smiled Harmonia.

The three could not even find the energy to laugh at their situation. It felt as if they were too tired to think, let alone feel a semblance of happiness.

Ro was the first to muster the strength to speak, "You know Harmony, despite everything you told me I still can't understand why you left home. I know your grandpa died, and I'm sorry that I even brought it up, but it seems like the Corporations left you well enough alone. Not like Mine anyways. Everyone back there was always so scared of being reported. If they didn't work, they would be sent away. But by the sounds of it you had it pretty good."

The words had somehow offended her as she struggled through the million and one thoughts that came attached to the memories, "Maybe. Only if you can call being forgotten a good thing."

Ro was already removing his first layer of clothing, "What do you mean?"

"Well," started the little girl from Ralph's Castle. "We may not have been forced to work all hours of the day, but on the other hand, no one ever came around to check on us either. Once in awhile the Privateers would come into town to see if any of the children had turned sixteen. Besides that, we were left alone. There was no one there to take care of us when we got sick, no one to stop the fights that got out of hand, and no one to teach us right or wrong. So without someone to look up to, the other children could only learn from each another. And that's not a very good way to learn anything."

Ro's mind was already moving a mile a minute as the unseen gears in his head came churning to life, "Good point. Sounds like the Corporations only ever care when they can get something out of it. I remember my Uncle Wylie complaining about that back at Mine."

Now it was Harmonia's turned to ask, "What do you mean?"

"Like I said, everyone in Mine was always too tired for anything. People don't have time for games or fun. By the end of their work day they're just happy to have any time for themselves. No one questions it. You never saw the Corporations, while Mine can't get away from them."

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