Update about meh Ducks <:3

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(Picture is my Duckys at a young age, when we first let them in the kitty pool in my room x3 )

So, remember when I had two cute little ducks that I talked about for a little while


I thought i should tell you how Quackiplier and PewDuckPie is doing at the moment

So, uh, I have sad news about Quackiplier... Yah see, they were starting to get to big for there cage so we made a quick on out side... And it was so cute how PewDuckPie and Quackiplier never left each other. They were always sleeping together, eating together, and all that stuff.

But anyways, Quackiplier is.. Now dead.

He was eaten by and animal that lives in our woods and his only remains were one of his legs. And we knew it was his because it had black markings on it, and PewDuckPie was still alive.

After that, my dad and I now scared about PewDuck's safety, took him to a place that we call the Duck Farm. The owners have a large pool of water in there land that's kinda close to the road. And many ducks live there as well

So he now lives there, and I saw him today to so PewDuckPie is still alive and happy with other ducks.

He is now a White duck, that's kinda big, and has a few black markings. I can't take a pic of him really since we don't really know the farmers that own the land. We just dropped him off

So yeah, he's happy and Quackiplier is.. Dead

Rip ;<

But oh well

It's been quite a while since his death and he was such a great duck <:3

Hope you enjoy! :3

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