Sad News you have probably heard before... ;~;

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Gosh... This whole thing... Is just a bucket of feelz...

So yeah, if you're one of the remaining few that didn't hear. Daniel from Cyndago attempted to commit suicide, but he was found in his room in terrible condition. So, he was sent to the hospital only to find out that he wasn't going to make it. Thus, they had taken him off of life support and Daniel is no longer with us.

I am sorry for bringing feelz into all of this... But it's just so sad...

But, you know, I think we should remember the happy Daniel we all loved and remember him for being that, since he was just a funny guy.

And yes, I drew the picture that I am now using as a profile pic because feelz.


Hope you enjoy! <:3

The dark times will soon end, I'm sure of it!

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