The Camp?

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I woke up eariler this morning. Not that I wanted to but the door bell was ringing.
"Coming!" I yelled across the hallway and ran up to the door.
When I opened it there was a package on the foot steps. What could this be? I read the note:

From: SunTower High

Oh that was our highschool. I grabed the package and brought it onto the diningroom table. Angelina and Zoe were already eating.
"What's that?" Zoe said barely because her mouth was full of cereal.
"I don't know yet."
I started opening the box when a letter came flying out. I caught it quickly and ran over it with my eyes.
"It says that camp is next week. And here we have papers to sign if we want to go." I answered.
"Oh thats cool we should totally go!"
"Whatever." Angelina said.
She is now obsessed with this website and she hangs out so much on it that she ignores us. I grabed the phone and called Ryder and the boys to see if they will go.
"Hey Ryder it's me." I said.
"I know Ana."
"Are you going to the camp?"
"Yeah and so is Jay. Parker can't beacuse he is visiting his grandparents."
"Oh thats too bad. Also Zoe, Angelina and I are going."
"Okay then I'm going now, bye."
And with that I ended the call. Zoe gave me a questioning look.
"They are all going except for Parker, he is visiting his grandparents."
"Aww." She said.
Angelina proceeded to do whatever she is doing on that website. There could be a fire and she will not even notice. I went behind her back and looked over her shoulder. She tried to hide her phone and unfortunately for me she managed to do it.
"No, go away." She mumbled and glued her eyes back to the phone screen.
Zoe and I gave up on trying to get her to do anything and we just grabed the camp papers and filled them in. I filled Angelina's in and made her sign it.
"Why is the camp so early this year?" Zoe asked.
"I don't know. I think it's because the freshmen will have their in about two weeks so we have to have our now."
"Did you ever hear of this 'Forest Lake House'. We're going there for camp."
"Nope never heard of it. Let's search it up."
I grabed my phone and typed in: 'Forest Lake House'.
"Wow they say it's hunted! That's so cool." I said.
"Let me see." Zoe looked over my shoulder.
"Holly shit. Now I can't wait!" She said.
"Let's call the boys and tell them."
"Let's just call them over for movies or something and then we can tell them."
"Yeah thats a great idea."
I grabed my phone and called Jay and Ryder. Parker left this morning so he obviously couldn't come. After some time we heard knocking. I opened the door and there stood the two guys.
"Hey!" I motioned them to come in.
"You came quick." Zoe noted.
"We packed stuff for camp early this morning."
Oh my god it was already 4pm and we didn't pack anything. Zoe must of realized the same thing because her eyes widened.
"Let me guess. You guys didn't pack at all?"
I nodded and rushed up the stairs to pack. As I was walking past Angelina's room I desided to tell her to pack.
"Hey did you pack for tomorrow?"
"Why are you so depressed?"
"I don't have friends or anything. My life is miserable."
"Than what am I, Zoe and the guys? Potatoes?"
She laughed at that.
"Okay so I need to go pack now. Also Jay and Ryder are in the livingroom if you wanna say hi or something."
"Okay." She got up and walked down the stairs after closing her bedroom door.
I proceeded to my room and started packing. Okay, so underwear check. Shirts... check. Shorts and jeans... check. A few dresses and shoes... check. Everything is there. Also my pijamas, toothbrush, toothpaste, hair brush...
Then I heard Zoe groan in the room next door. I entered her room and saw her lying on the floor with a pained expression.
"What happened?" I asked.
"I cannot chose between this shirt and this shirt." She pointed to two shirts. One blue, one black.
"Why don't you just pack them both?"
"Yeah I could do that!" She smiled.
"But wait there is not enough space for both."
I looked at her suitcase and saw many cookie boxes.
"Well if you took out one of the cookie bo..."
"No never! They are like my family!"
"Okay then. You can put one of those two shirts in my suitcase. I have a bit more space."
"Thank you!" With that she ran out of the room towards my bedroom.
I went downstairs just to see that Angelina, Jay and Ryder were already watching a movie. Those traitors. I was sneaking behind the tables and sofas until I came right behind them.
"Boo!" I yelled in their ears.
Jay jumped on Ryder and so did Angelina.
"Why always me?" Ryder said with a pained expression.
"You're comfy." Jay answered "And you're gonna keep us safe."
I laughed and they all looked at me.
"Get her." With Ryder's words all three of them jumped off the couch and started chasing me.
No, no, no. I ran as fast as I could up the stairs.
"Zoe!" I screamed "Open the door!"
As expected Zoe was in my bedroom. She opened the door and let me in. I quickly turned around and locked the door.
"Wow what the hell?" She asked.
I told her the whole story and how they are chasing me now.
"Hahaha." She laughed.
"Not funny." I said with a pout.
Later that evening it was proven to be safe to leave the room and so we did.
Jay and Ryder went home and Angelina was back on her website.
We went to bed because we are going to have to wake up at 6am and be at school until 7am for the bus to camp.

Authors note: Is it really hunted? Give feedback, comment and vote if you liked it.


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