Chapter Ten

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We returned back to the boarding house as twilight fell that evening. Elena and I had a lot to talk about, but we had a long time to talk about all of it, so I couldn’t stress her out even more tonight. Although she wouldn’t agree to it we needed to ask Klaus what he knew, it was inevitable he finds out anyway.

Elena stretched and opened her eyes, “Oh, we’re back.” She said, looking out the car window with a sigh of relief. Elena and I went inside and crashed in the living room, “I guess we have a lot to talk about.” She prompted.

“We do.” I agreed, “But it doesn’t have to be done right now. Go upstairs and take a bath, relax a little… or a lot.”  

“I think I will…” She sighed, moving out of the lounge and up the staircase.

How was I supposed to tell Elena that Klaus had to know? We needed to ask him what he knew about this possibility, and what he knew abut Katherine’s daughter. However Elena despised Klaus even more than I did, and there would be no way she would even let me try.  I† was unfair to deceit her and go to Klaus while she was preoccupied somewhere else, but if that was the only way then I was prepared to do it.

I groaned when my phone buzzed in my pocket. The world just wouldn’t shut up for a second, “Hello?” I asked dully.

“Damon? Why isn’t Elena answering her phone? Is she okay?” Caroline’s soprano voice demanded into the phone.

“Yes, Barbie, she’s okay.” I said, resting my head on the back of the couch, “She’s busy.”

“She has to come shopping with Bonnie and I tomorrow. We need to get dresses for the Founders Party.” She explained.

I moaned, “That’s Saturday, isn’t it?”

“Yes, and Elena has to be there, and so do you.” She said quickly.

“We’ll be there.” I said, “Pick Elena up tomorrow.”

Elena came downstairs in fresh clothes a while later.

“Caroline called.” I told her, “She wants you to go shopping with her and Bonnie tomorrow.”

“Oh, right the Founders Party.” She remembered.

“Do you want to go?” I asked.

“I have to, and so do you. Besides, it might be a fun distraction.” She said positively,  

I got to my feet as she made her way downstairs, “May I escort you, Miss Gilbert?” I asked with a crooked smile. 

She smiled and laughed, “Of course, Mr Salvatore.” She said, accepting my cheesy invitation.

“So, I hate to be the bearer of bad news.” I said as we both sat down in the longue, “But I’ve been thinking that I need to ask Klaus about this.”  I looked carefully at her, “It’s inevitable that he finds out anyway.”

Elena diverted her eyes quickly and swallowed, “I know that he’ll find out, and so will Rebekah…” She shuddered, “I know he could know something…”

“We need to know whatever we can about this. I don’t know how normal this will go.” I said honestly.

“Would it be okay if I didn’t be there?” She asked sheepishly.

“Of course,” I assured her, “Don’t worry about it.”

She looked up, flicking her hair off her face, “Thanks Damon.” She smiled lightly.

I awoke with a disturbance the next morning and jolted forward.

“Elena!” Caroline’s voice called from somewhere in the house, “Elena come on it’s ten o’clock!” She called.

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