Chapter Eight

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I took my time making the coffee. I just needed time to think but I couldn’t make my brain shut up! I could barely focus. There were so many questions running through my head but I couldn’t match an answer to any of them. I was so sure that it was impossible, but I don’t think a vampire had ever tried with a doppelganger so there was a chance… How could this happen to us? Just as Elena starts feeling better, just as I think things are going to go back to normal for us…

I had just managed to calm Elena down, but I didn’t blame her being so stressed, I was too but I couldn’t show it, I had to be there for her. I picked up the two mugs of coffee and returned to the living room where Elena was positioned on an armchair with her knees squished up against her chest. I put the coffees down on the coffee table and went over to crouch in front of Elena, “We have to talk about it.”

I looked away from me, “I don’t want to.”

“You have to.” I said honestly, “This isn’t just a little thing, Elena.”

“But it’s been the same situation every other time.” She said numbly, “A life at risk, that’s all it ever is for us.”

“No, Elena it’s not like that. This is in our hands and there’s no one to mess it up, this is your decision, and I’ll support whatever you decide.”

She still didn’t make eye contact with me as she stared forward mindlessly, “I can’t carry on Petrova line. I can’t bring a life into this world.”

I clasped onto one of her hands and held it between both of mine, “That’s okay, really it is.”

She nodded and looked down at the hands, which were still quivering terribly. Poor Elena, it could never go right for her. She took in an acute breath, “D-Do you mind if we, you know, get it over with as soon as we can. I don’t want to be like this.”

“Of course. We can do it somewhere else, not in Mystic Falls, I’ll take care of it.” I said. It was already dark outside, but not the normal dark when the stars would glisten in the skies, it was a stormy, miserable dark, of course it was.

I wish I could assure her and say that there might have been a mistake, but she told me she took the test at the doctors clinic, and asked for another one when the first came up positive. The doctor confirmed it too.

“I’m going to go,” She said, moving to her feet with exhaustion.

I got up to a standing position as she did and blocked her path, “Just stay, I don’t want to leave you alone.”

She looked around hesitantly and nodded with a sigh, then sat back down and stared into the fire. I handed her one of the coffees and fled the room, I didn’t think she needed to be there when I made the appointment.

After searching for a clinic in the nearest city, I dialed the number with a nervous feeling in my stomach. I hadn’t even the time to process the idea of becoming a father, believe me I was totally fine with Elena’s choice, but the idea was one which never crossed my mind.

“Hello, you’ve reach CityCare Mothers Clinic, how may I help you?” Said a female on the other end of the phone with a very heavy southern accent.

“I just need to make an appointment.” I said quietly.

“Is this for your partner?” She asked.

“Yes, it is.” I answered.

“Are you or your partner over the age of eighteen?” She asked routinely.

“We both are.”

“Okay, when is your preferred date for your appointment?” She asked in a warm voice.

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