"They told you?" he let out a slight chuckle. "Of course they did... Your their mate.. and they hadn't seen you in seven years..., they would do whatever was necessary to keep you with them." sighing heavily he let out a growl of frustration.

"Why didn't you tell me?" my voice cracked as tears brimmed in my eyes at his betrayal.

"I wanted to." admitting in a whisper. "So many times I tried to convince myself that it would better if you knew the truth, about me, Havencrest or your Father... But it would always come back around to the fact that I made a promise to my brother, your father, that I would protect your from everything. From what we are? From being pulled into this life?" he let out a choking sob, his emotions getting the better of him, which never happens with Mick.

"You ripped my heart out... for a promise to man I don't know, a man who chose to walk away from the woman he claimed to love and his unborn daughter... do you understand at all, how broken I was?..., for years... I felt nothing after losing them" my voice whimpered as I tried to hold my composure, needing to finish this conversation.

"We agreed to try and give you a normal..."

"DON'T." I snapped cutting him off. "Don't you dare say normal human life... because that's bullshit. It's in my blood, this gene is already in me. What's normal about that?"

"We thought we were doing the right thing... I already failed my brother, by not protecting your mother. I couldn't fail when it came to you... and you would have been right in the middle of our whole world if you would have stayed with twins." he explained, attempting to justify his actions.

"And what about now? Huh? I know everything now... only to be completely confused by the whole thing." exasperated I hung my head in my hand and stared at the table. "I love them... that never stopped. It never went away... it just got pushed down inside of me... because I couldn't bare to even think of them... without the soul, crushing pain consuming me."

"Mia." Mick whispered, actually sounding guilty for what he did to us, for what he helped put us through.

"Now... I have them... but I also have a whole other life... that at some point I will have to go back to..., how do I do that?" sobbing out the question, not really expecting an answer. "How do I go and end the life I built for myself? That helped distract me from the consistent pain. How do I hurt the one person who helped me have a life outside of the shell I buried myself in?"

"I don't know." he mumbled. "But you'll be facing a bigger problem pretty quick here."

"What?" questioning him as I wiped my eyes, confused by what he was talking about.

"Open the kitchen door for me?" he asked.

"Open the kitchen door?" shaking my head I was at a loss, What was he talking about?


Snapping my head toward the door, the curtains on the door where closed so I could only make out the outline of a figure standing there. Slowly I got up and headed for the door.

"Was that you?" questioning as I hesitantly headed for the door.

I don't know why, but I was terrified to open the curtains, like I was in some kind of horror movie and it would be the killer on the other side just waiting to murder me. Crazy I know, considering I'm destined to be with sexy god like twins that also happen to be werewolves. Yes, I do believe at this point I am full on crazy.

"Yes it is." he breathed sounding a bit irritated. "Hurry please."

Blowing out a sigh of relief, I quickly opened the door to find Mick standing on the porch with only a pair of baggy sweatpants on. Furrowing my brow at what he was wearing I stepped back and let him into the house.

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