chapter 6

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Mandy pov

Together with Colby I walked with him in town. To buy him some fabric.
I pointed out the pink one. He laughed and shook his head. " but its so cute , It will suit you "
He put his arms around me " I would do it for you if you want me too , lovely "
I shook my head " just kidding " Personally I liked the black one but He chose the white one. We bought It and then we went to eat Ice cream.

He looked at me " you have some ice cream on your mouth "

I tried to lick it but Colby wiped It with his thumb. Then he licked it.

Then he leaned in and kissed me. He kissed me tenderly.

I felt my heart beating faster. I was really liking him. I wanted my dad to meet him. My dad would be proud

At 12 pm. We went back to the bus. I took his measure. He was teasing me the whole time. It took me almost 30 minutes then started working on his gear.

I had aready drawn it. So I would finish it quick. I loved designing.
I wanted to become a proffesional designer some day

Suddenly he stared at me with his phone in his hand " lovely , I'm so sorry "

I gasped " for what ? "

He sighed and showed me a picture of us kissing and hugging. It was cute. Read

Seth rollins has a new girlfriend , is zahra out of the picture ?

I held his face " Its alright "

He was relieved that I wasn't angry.

Colby pov


It was the night of battlegrounf. I loved his new gear. I walked around with Mandy and then we saw Paul and Stephanie. Steph smiled " new gear ? "
I nodded " Mandy created it , its cool isn't it "
Paul nodded " good job Mandu we might hire you , so are you two dating "
Stephanie poked him " don't be nosey " they left
We walked away and I hugged Her " you hear that ? They like your work , they might hire you , cool right ? "
She nodded " yes "
Everyone was talking about my new gear. I felt like a champ but I was a champ

I had to face Brock Lesnar and was so so nervous.

I didn't want to lose my titel. I never tought I would come this far when I first started at NXT and now I had this gorgeous girl on my side who I really liked

Mandy pov

I sat with Colby in his locker room. He was doing push ups. He was so attractive. It was so sexy

He sat up " I'm nervous , this man is strong "

I walked to him " you'll nail it , I'm sure of it "

He stroke my cheek " kiss me lovely "

I kissed his lips. He kissed back. Suddenly the door opened.
Mom stood there with Paul. I blushed and backed away " Hi Miss McMahon , Hi Mr. Levesque "
They smiled " Hi Mandy , sorry for interupting Colby we just wanted to wish you luck "
They left and I blushed " omg so emberassing "
Colby curled my hair " nothing to be emberassed about lovely "
He kissed me again. I put my arms around him and deepened the kiss.
' Seth Rollins to the gorilla in 15 minutes "
A man shouted. Colby slowly pushed away " I got to go , but can I ask you something "
I nodded " sure "
He smiled " do you want to be my girlfriend ? "
I was suprised. I nodded " yes I would love too "
He smiled excited " great , see you soon "
He pecked my lips and left. I was smiling from cheek to cheek. He was such a great guy who played a jerk on screen. They should turn him into a baby face soon

Colby pov

Proud I walked to the ring. I was smirking. It was hard to get my jerk mode on. When I had this amazing girl on my mind
I went in the ring and showed off my titel. I was telling the ref how I was the best.
I was the happiest man in the world. I had the most beautiful girlfriend. She was kind sweet and caring
The match started and Brock and I started to wrestle.
I punched him but damn he was so strong.
He put me down on the floor. Tried to pin me but I kicked out. I was tired I couldn't breath.
Suddenly Undertaker his music hit. The authority their new plan.
I went out of the ring as Undertaker came in the ring. He looked at Brock with fire in his eyes.
I was scares. He tombstones Brock. He gave him one last look then left. Brock was out. This was my chance but the ref anounced It was ended in no contest
But still I won I was still champion.
They placed my music and I showed off and celebrated my so called victory. I was still tired and terified. Undertaker was scary.
I went backstage. The show was over. Another great match. I was proud. I went to my locker room. Mandy hugged me " congratz champ "
I smiled " I'm tired "
She raised an eyebrow " why don't you take a shower and we go back to the buss. Then I'll give you a wonderful massage "
I nodded " that be nice "
I watched him go to the locker room.
" so you two are together now ? " I heard mom ask.
I turned around " yes he just asked me "
She looked at me " do you like him ? "
I blushed " actually I do "
She hugged me " I love you so much , thank you for doing this "
I saw John. I smiled " again , thank you "
I shook his hand " I'm Mandy a new designer for the company "
Jon nodded " I don't know who the hell made Seth his gear , He looked terrible "
I raised my eyebrow " actually I designed It "
I nodded at mom and Paul " have a nice day Mr Levesque and Miss McMahon "
My designes weren't terrible. Why would he say that ? It stung a little.

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