epilogue: love, marco

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I sighed softly as I took a seat on one of the chairs in the waiting area in the airport. I set my bag down on the chair beside me and crossed one of my legs over the other one.

I watched as planes took off and landed before going their separate ways. I was the only one in the waiting area, since the crew and everyone else were in the Starbucks nearby trying to get a little more refreshed and woken up.

I was set to go to Paris in less than half an hour. The German leg of my tour was finally done and I was moving on to other countries now, starting with France. I was glad that I was leaving Germany behind for now, but I knew I'd get homesick the minute the plane lands in France.

My eyes felt dry and puffy, even though I spent the night putting an ice pack over them. I felt emotionally, physically and mentally exhausted but time really doesn't stop for anyone.

I didn't realize how long I was blanking out until someone fell down in front of me. I jolted and stood up before crouching to help the guy to his feet when I got a glimpse of his face.

"Mario?" I gasped, "Are you okay? What are you doing here? It's 4 AM!" I whisper-yelled at him. Mario took off his shades and pushed his jacket hood off his head before sitting down on the seat beside mine.

I sat down too and he ran a hand through his hair, "I know, I know, I feel as sleepy as I look." he murmured. 

"What are you doing here?" I asked him again. 

He sighed and turned towards me, "I needed to talk to you."

I furrowed my brows, "You know you could've just texted me, right? I have to go in fifteen minutes."

He nodded, "It's okay, this won't take long," Mario said before reaching into his pocket and pulling out a crumpled piece of paper. He quickly unfolded it and tried to smoothen out the crinkles as best as he could. After nearly three minutes of trying, he gave up and just handed it to me.

"What's this?" I asked him confused.

"See for yourself." he replied. I glanced down at the crinkled paper and saw Marco's handwriting on it. Before I could read what he wrote, I folded it up and handed it back to Mario.

"Mario...we broke up last night," I whispered. "I'm really trying to get away from all this - at least for now. So, I really don't want to read this."

He nodded, but didn't take the paper back from me. "I completely understand, Mia," he said. "But, I think that you should read it anyway. He didn't write it for you - wait - that came out wrong. I meant, he wrote it for you but he didn't mean for you to read any of it."

I raised my eyebrows, "Then...what is it?"

Mario shrugged, "He was pretty beat up about the break up last night so Mats and I thought it'd be best if we took him home. I was in the room next door to him and I could hear him moving around a lot so I came over to his room just in case. He drank a few beers and he didn't seem like himself at all, so I told him to go to sleep. When I was about to leave, he was holding on to the paper and he told me to throw it away, and-"

I sighed and handed it to him again, "Why didn't you throw it away? He clearly doesn't want me to read it."

Mario ran a hand through his hair exasperatedly, "Because I can see how much he loves you, Mia. Marco's my best friend and he has been for so many years, and I don't think I've ever seen him this upset over a girl before," he said, "And I know that you feel the same way about him. I know what he did was awful, and I hate him for it too, but maybe you should think this through before ending everything."

"D-Did you read this?" I asked Mario, holding up the paper in my hand. 

He blushed bright pink and nodded shyly, "Only the first few sentences, though. I wanted to see what it was. You never know what drunk people can do, I could've thrown away an important document or something." he blabbered on.

I was about to tell him I really didn't want to read it when I heard Anna calling my name. I turned around and saw her waving her arms at me, "We have to go now, Mia. Just go in when you're ready, okay?" she said. I nodded and she walked away towards the entrance.

I sighed and stood up, grabbing my backpack and throwing it over my shoulder. Mario stood up as well and stared at the paper in my hands until I put it in my pocket, "Just, take the time to read it, okay Mia?"

I bit my lip and nodded slowly, "Okay, Mario."

He smiled widely and quickly reached out to pull me into a tight hug, "You know he loves you, right? He's been loving you even before he knew it."

I blinked away the tears in my eyes and nodded slowly as I held on tightly to the back of Mario's shirt.

He pulled away from me and shot me a smile, "Well, have fun in Paris, I know you'll do great!"

I laughed, "Thanks, Mario. Go home and get some sleep, okay?" I smiled. He nodded and I waved at him one more time before following the rest of the crew inside the plane.


I exhaled softly as I stared out the window of the airplane. The sun was finally rising and it was setting a soft orange glow on the horizon. I was having a silent battle with myself on whether or not I should open the letter. I wanted to know what was inside, but I knew doing so would probably break my heart even more.

The small, folded up piece of paper felt like it was getting heavier and heavier in my hand. My brain was screaming at me to open it, but another part of me was telling me not to.

After contemplating it for a few more moments, I reached for the paper and shakily opened it before reading what Marco wrote.






'Dear Mia,

I know I'm the last person you want to hear from right now. I'm probably the last person you want to hear from ever. I know what I did caused serious damage, but right now I don't want to talk about my mistake - let me just talk about me and you.

The first time we met, we went out to get frozen yogurt in a small corner shop. We sat down together and I asked you what your favourite colour was, and you said cyan and I had no idea what that meant. You laughed at me and that was the first time I've ever heard you laugh, and I think I fell in love a little bit with you at that exact moment.

Fast forward a few months and we're sitting in an elevator in Paris. At the end of the night, I promised you that I'd be a good boyfriend and that I'd never break your heart - but I guess I broke those promises, didn't I?

That night, I also said that any guy would be lucky to have you and I still mean it and I know it's true. When you do find the right guy, I hope he's everything you ever wanted in a man. I hope he showers you with love, and looks at you like you're the best thing to ever walk the earth. But most of all, I hope he treats you better than I ever did.

Mia, I feel things for you that I've never felt for anyone. Being with you is the best feeling in the world, but being without you is the absolute worst feeling in the world. Right now, I'm drunk and fighting back the tears. I'm sat in this dark hotel room writing out my feelings in a letter (which I'll probably throw away) to a girl who's so far out of my league.

I never could really understand the meaning of 'perfect' until we met. And then, the meaning fell into place and I was left head over heels in love with you. I love you for so many things, but mainly for who you are and who I am when I am with you.

I know it's a long shot, but I'll be waiting for you. I'll come running anywhere you want me to be because, damn it, I am so truly, hopelessly, irrevocably in love with you.

So, here's to the sleepless nights, the endless laughter and the countless number of kisses.

Mia Bauer, you'll always be my favourite 'what if'.

Love always,


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