Interlude 5 - Where Is My Goddamn Shoe?

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The answer given when one of the scriv soldiers massing in the Farallones asked the question from the end of Pacific Rim was a loud laugh all around. Even though it was a mortal creation, it was very popular in the ranks, mostly because it was a favorite of President Holly's.

And it was the inspiration for their latest move against, of all cities, San Francisco. A little too on the nose, considering the movie's eye-popping signature opening scene where the first Kaiju destroyed the Golden Gate Bridge. But that was okay - it wasn't as if the team would actually destroy anything. Maybe just scare the crap out of the locals, is all.

The team was disappointed, however, to realize that there simply weren't enough of them to form a monster nearly as big as a Kaiju, or a Jaeger. But they could at least make a decent model at about three-fifths that size.

When the movie ended, and the radar began to pick up numerous angels and scrivs (clearly from the White Shadows team) inbound to the islands, Holly's men and women gathered on the largest island and began the process of forming their own smaller-scale Gipsy Danger. They stood on each other's shoulders, surrounding themselves with ugly, monstrous dark forms until they all coalesced into one massive body.

Unlike the Kaiju or the Jaegers, there was no direct mental connection involved here. Each scriv was independent, but that meant they had to concentrate extra-hard to make sure their new form didn't fail. None of them could afford to lose his or her balance while making this "Jaeger" walk the walk and talk the talk. For instance.

Once they were all grouped together, the shadow version of Gipsy Danger stood in the water, bringing its fist and open palm together just like in the movie. Then it faced the city, surveying the distant skyline, the bridge, and of course the White Shadows team still winging its way over to them. Not that they could really see any of them, not with the oncoming storm wreaking havoc on their visibility. But the radar operator in the team's secret barracks was keeping them all informed of White Shadows' progress all the same.

"Bringit on," the team leader muttered to himself.     

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