~ Meeting O2L for the first time ~

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So i just went in to store. I thought that i would start with target! Because well it's target:)) It was those atomic doors (that i loooove) I secretly pretend that i'm a wizard!:) i'm weird i already know it!! I went directly to the makeup section. I picked up a mascara, blush and concealer. Then i continued with going through the hole target! I picked up a lot of stuff!! When i was about almost done I heard a laugh and whispers. I looked back but i didn't see anything until someone got pushed out of one of the sections. He was super red and he ran in to hide as fast as he could. I heard a lot of laughs! The guy was really hot! He had a pink tinted skirt with white flowers forming a skull and some black pants. He had a beanie and tattoos on his arm. Besides his red face :) his cheeks where really pink and cute! I was not really in nice clothes...i had some sweatpants and just a crop top. My hair was in a messy bun and i only had some mascara and a little bit of concealer on. I smiled but didn't really know what to do so i just continued walking. When i was done and had everything that i needed plus candy for both me and my little sis;) the cashier was really nice and started talking to me. She asked me if i was new in town and where i moved from. In usa people are so friendly. (If someone random starts talking to you in Sweden it's like "what the heck is your problem!?" ...kinda... ! ) i was about to pay. Then I released that it was going to relly hard to carry everything..before i just used a cart that i had left! Right in that moment the same guy that i "meet" before. The one who had those tattoos, came up to me, i saw the rest if the group standing in the corner looking at us and talking.
"Hi! I'm Sam:)" he said as he started to blush.
"Hi, i'm _______!" I answered smiling.
"Do you want some help??"
"Yeahh! I would love to.." I answered laughing!!
The rest of the boys came up to me and introduced themselves! It was Jc Caylen, Kian Lawley, Connor Franta, Ricky Dillon, Trevor Moran and the guy i was talking to, Sam Pottorff. They where really sweet helping me take everything out! I texted my brother that i would walk instead of have him drive me over to my house. And we went out of target and started walking. The apparently didn't live that far away from me. About 5 min walking distance. We talked for a long time and i got to know them a bit better. They all live in a house together and the are on YouTube and they have 3 pets. Two dogs and one cat! One of the dogs dog was Wishbone that was Jc's, the other dog was Hazel that was Kian's and the cat Vega was also Jc's. Right when we talked about how much we loved pets three screaming girls came up to the boys and wanted to take pictures with them. When the girls went away the apologized but i said that it was okey and the didn't have to apologize for that! Soon we where at my house. I recognized it because of the light yellow/beige color of the house and the stone walk up to the house and the big garden with 3 palm trees! The boys were really nice and offered to help me in with all of the stuff! My little sis ran up to me as fast as she saw me! I needed to put away the bags so that i could hug her. I lifted her up so we were face to face. And then i sat her down so we could get all of the stuff in but then she for some reason she got really shy and hugged my hips really hard..! Then i heard her whisper "who are those guys standing there..are the mean?" I laughs and say "Noo! The are really nice!" Then i squatted down to her hight and then pointed at each of them saying there name as the waved! First then she started got calm. We packed up everything and i gave my little sis her candy and then my brother came out of his room! And said "ohh! So you have that many boyfriends! Have you gone on dates with all of them?" I blushed and just walked out of the house as the rest followed me! They asked me if i wanted to go over to there house! I screamed to my mom because she was in the house and i was outside... if i could and she said yes!
On the way over to there place i tried out Kian's penny board! I wasn't good but well i didn't fall...:)
Their house was really big and it was awesome! They had a pool and it was just super cool! We went into the house and i started petting all of their pets:) they went directly to the couch and i followed them and also the pets. We sat in the sofa talking and talking! The were soooo funny!!! But then........

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