~ On the road again ~

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So after we slept..for a long time... We needed to get started with just trying to pack up everything and get some food and kitchen stuff and bathroom stuff and, yeah! Everything you need;)) 
I was the first one to wake up! It was 10: am here! (5:am in Swedish time) so i went in to my brothers room and tried to wake him up but he just said rude that i should go out! We had like a little hallway with all of the bedrooms and then it we had a big living room and the kitchen. My room was the biggest bedroom;) i have a lot of stuff... But i still was confused
frustrated ;p Then I finally took the right door! My little sis slept in my moms room. I do get it, it's scary to be in a new place! Even though she has her own room. I went up to the edge of the bed and crawled in with my moms and my little sis! I laid there fore probably 15 min...it was warm and comfy..okey!!

~ Everyone went up and ate the breakfast we picked up really fast before we went to sleep last night.. ~

I called Ashley and we talked for a long time! I told her about our new house and how it was and she told me about everything at home! I really missed her! Then i needed to help my moms so I hung up! But before i hung up i said to Ashley that I promised that i was going to call her tomorrow again!
Then i helped my moms to pack up and we needed to get some groceries and all of that so my mom gave me money to shop! She told me that i could get something for myself to because she knows that i really don't want to go anywhere! I asked if my big brother could drive me over to the store! He said yes! Mom said that she knew a place that had a Target and a Walgreens really close. So we decided to go there.
Wait! I need to put on pants. I scream to my brother that is already outside honking the horn to make me notice him and hurry up. I run outside.
Bye! Both of my moms said.
Be careful!!! Said my little sister. I saw that she was worried about me so i needed to run back and give her a long hug! I lifted her up in the air smiling at her. I got the most beautiful smile back.
I promise you that i will be careful and if you help mommy then i will probably bye some candy to you!;) i said to her with a little smile. My moms laughed and looked at us. I sat her down because my brother was very impatient.
Bye!!! We said one last time:)
As i turned around i saw a boy standing and starring over at the sidewalk. When our eyes met he looked away all red in his face. He started skating away over to the group that i guess he came with. They didn't even notice that he was standing there staring at me. I smirked and went in to the car with my brother.
Damn it's hot in here. I said to my brother.
I saw him giving kind of a smile. He started driving. It's really warm here in California even if it is NOVEMBER!!! Like what the heck!!! I really love it here tho!!! The nature and the palms and just everything!! It's very beautiful! I have visited USA before! A lot of times! So i still kind of felt a bit at home. We drove bye the group that i saw earlier. I looked over at the six boys standing and laughing. I made eye contact with each of the boys. My brother saw me and he laughed!
Your really red! You like anyone over in that group? Anyone hot? He asked me with a smirk on his face just trying to tease me!
I was surprised that my brother saw me! so i just answered fast with "have your eyes on the road!" The place we where going to was very close which was good! It means that we just can go there anytime! I looked around trying to see if there was any restaurants or stores! In those 7 minutes i was in the car i saw: Taco Bell, A big mall, Forever 21, Starbucks and some other restaurants. It was a really good place/ neighborhood i guess?! It was close to a lot of things! We parked and i was on my way to go in but my brother said that he was going to stay and call his girlfriend. I said that I probably was going to be in there for a long time! He said that if i go home just call me when you want to be picked up. I just agreed and went in to the store.........

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( Any ideas on what will happen? Or if you want a longer chapter or a shorter? Just any feed back in how i can make this better!?:))
Should a make a new part for every 10th read??

~ Living with O2L ~Where stories live. Discover now