Chapter 5--Ignite the Night

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You turned around in shock now to see your best friend, standing right in front of you wearing a similar costume like yours--a black unitard with black boots, headpiece, and cape to complete the ensemble.

"Why hello, Peeta," you smiled in greeting, feeling yourself heat up and blush as you looked at him. Luckily, you managed to keep your cool, and you managed to keep your pounding heart in check. 

Peeta nodded at your ensemble. "You think the flames our stylists mentioned about is a good idea?"

You shrugged. "I have no idea. The idea itself sounds amazing--definitely something unique. But you do have a point. What if we get burnt?"

"You rip off my cape, and I'll rip yours off," Peeta joked.

"Okay," you giggled, which turned the heads of some of the other tributes. 

Soon, you heard footsteps, and you saw Cinna and another stylist--probably Peeta's stylist--approach you. Quickly, you stepped up on the chariot, Peeta stepping up right beside you. 

"This is synthetic fire," Cinna promised you, holding up a small match lit with a blue flame. "It's supposed to give everyone the effect of real flame on your capes, but trust me, you'll hardly feel a thing."

You chuckled. "I hope that's true."

"Otherwise, we'd be burnt to a crisp," Peeta added, and you all had a good laugh.

"Hey, where's Haymitch?" you finally asked, breathless from laughter.

Peeta shrugged. "With him being so incoherent, we shouldn't let him near an open flame."

More laughs and more head turns came out of that joke, but you were used to it. People have been doing that all the time to you and Peeta back in District 12, so their stares just passed off as friendly ones to you. Though at some point, you'll have to acknowledge that these other people staring at you are the tributes that you'll have to kill in the arena to ensure your victory...

Not now, (Y/N). Don't even think about it now.

Soon, everyone started to line up for the parade, and you felt the horses in front of you pull your chariot towards the end of the line. Being from District 12, you were the last people to head out of the Remake Centre for the entire Capitol to see. And the horses were trained ahead of time to pull the chariots and lead you through the parade, so there was no need for you to worry about them bringing you in the wrong direction. 

The doors opened, and you saw District 1's tributes, their chariot pulled by snow-white horses, exit first. You couldn't help but stare in awe at their amazing pink ensemble, with small jewels glittering on the clothes as well. Of course, there would be something shiny and rich on there. District 1's main industry was luxury. 

District 2 went out next on their chariot, followed by 3, then the time District 10 just pulled out, Cinna came over to the both of you.

"Alright. I'm lighting your capes now," Cinna said, holding up the match and setting fire on your capes. You expected a burning sensation and a smell of something going up in smoke, but you smelt nothing, and there was only a small tickling feeling. You were sure Peeta felt the exact thing, because then he smiled at you, his eyes twinkling under the firelight. Reaching up to his headpiece, you turned it on, and he did the same to yours. 

"Alright, guys. Chins up. Smile. They're going to love you!" he cried as he got off the chariot. Apparently it seemed like he had one more idea, because then he turned back with Peeta's stylist to you and yelled something else.

You turned to Peeta in confusion. "What is he saying?"

"I think he wants us to hold hands," Peeta murmured to you, and you blushed. You only held Peeta's hand in the comforts of home, whenever you needed each other for support, or just whenever you felt alone. The fact that you were going to show the Capitol that you were friends since you were younger made you feel dizzy, but you only nodded as you reached out your right hand for his left, and he took it tightly, intertwining your fingers with his. It took all your will to stop yourself from blushing profusely, because then the chariot was rolling away and out of the Remake Centre and into the blinding lights that served as the parade venue, where every single Capitol citizen were screaming your names.

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