Chapter 32

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This is not my story! All credits go to The. Teal. Rose. on This story belongs solely to the author.

Chapter 32: Enclosing Serenity
Chapter XXXII

Enclosing Serenity

"In the interval which separates two desires a perfect calm reigns in the mind."

- Sivananda

Ulquiorra's eyes widened as his attention reverted to Ichigo and he saw that the Shinigami had effectively sustained Getsuga around his Zanpakuto, increasing his attack power. He quickly lifted his blade and blocked the onslaught, though the mere force of it sent them both coursing across the hall, the marble beneath their feet seeming slick as ice.

The Espada held his opponent's gaze fiercely, the red reiatsu surrounding them both as Ichigo's determined outcry echoed throughout the space. Ulquiorra held the clash of weapons a moment longer before shifting his stance and thrusting Ichigo away. As the teen leered down at him, suspended in the air with his unrelenting Getsuga, Ulquiorra lifted his head slightly, mildly intrigued with the Shinigami's new implementation of his most prominent technique.

'Oh?' the Espada pondered. 'He kept the Lunar Fang's energy wrapped around his blade instead of firing it, creating a sword strike with the same force as the wave attack.

Ichigo again lifted his sword before pushing himself against the pillar behind him, propelling his body forward and releasing another purposeful shout. Ulquiorra stood his ground a moment, slightly lifting his sword, before withdrawing it and jumping away from the approaching strike. Ichigo's sword met the ground, again desecrating the floor in a wild splay of rubble, before he paused and gasped when Ulquiorra executed a sonido behind him, blade raised to attack.

"Please." The Espada chastised listlessly.

Ichigo quickly turned, his reiatsu encircling his Zanpakuto as he lifted it to meet the weapon of his enemy, his spiritual pressure erupting and again encompassing the hall. When the display of crimson light vanished, the Shinigami's eyes widened when he saw that his power had proved entirely futile against Ulquiorra.

"I know you're proud of yourself for using what little brains you possess, but have you learned nothing?" The Espada admonished, his sword steady against the Shinigami's. "Even with your mask on, your Lunar Fang couldn't strike me down." He willed his eyes to pierce through and convey to Ichigo the absolute reality of his words. "An unmasked Lunar Fang is a pointless waste of time, no matter how you use it."

Ichigo grunted in response before he leapt back and avoided an attempted strike from the Espada, who then immediately advanced on him. Inoue stood several away, her eyes following their movements and her hand clenched tightly over her chest. The crease of her brows conveyed the anxiety that relentlessly continued to tear throughout her entire body and her parted mouth released the silent and entirely futile pleas for them both to simply lower their swords and denounce victory.

She exhaled softly as her gaze rested on Ichigo, and released another uneasy breath when they wandered and resided upon Ulquiorra. She watched their ferocious clash of weapons and felt her heart falling deeper into the shrouded core of her soul. She saw the relentless and aggressive expression on Ichigo's face, of such viciousness that a troubling remoteness accompanied it. She had rarely ever witnessed him in such a state and, now that he was parrying against the fourth Espada, against...Ulquiorra...she wondered if he really would let him walk away after all.

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