"When'd you get here?" I say.

"You're the one who stood beside me." Usopp yells at me.

"Oh... well anyway I'm going." I say as I stop twirling my daggers and I rush forward.

"Kaz don't be an idiot." I hear Nami yell and I just chuckle.

"So we have another one that wants to try their luck." Largo says before he fires a sticky net at me which I easily dodge. I keep dodging any net he throws at me and when he tries to use a Mucho Iron Net I cut it to pieces with my daggers.

"That's not gonna work on me." I say as I punch Largo in the face.

"Kaz got him! Those three couldn't even lay a hand on him and Kaz just punched him." I hear Usopp yell and I roll my eyes at this.

"This can't be possible. The Ami-Ami Fruit has a catch rate of one hundred and twenty percent. How can a brat be able to avoid all my attacks?" Largo says holding his head and I appear beside him. I smash him in the face with my leg and watch as he goes flying into the cliff face. A huge dent appears in the wall where Largo was now stuck and I let out a whistle.

"I toned that kick down a lot and it still left a dent that big." I say and Luffy yells down at me.

"Kaz get us down from here." Luffy says and I look up at him.

"Nope don't feel like it." I say crossing my arms.

"What do you mean don't feel like it?" Nami yells at me.

"I need to relieve stress." I say and everyone tilts there head in confusion.

"So basically you're not gonna let us down because we'll take over the fight and you want to beat the crap out of these guys to relieve your stress." Zoro says and I nod.

"Bull's-eye; I'll let you down if you agree not to interfere." I say and the three nod.

"We agree;" they said and I nod my head. I walk towards the tree to let them free when something hits me from behind and I go tumbling forward. I roll for a couple of feet until I stop on my stomach. I move my hand up my back and tap the knife that was wedged into my left side. It was pretty deep; the blade of the knife was at least four inches long and the knife handle was maybe a quarter of an inch into my back.

"Kaz!" I hear Luffy yell and I just roll my eyes. I hear a girl start yelling and I look over to see the little girl from before running forward. I go to get up but the sounds of trees falling stop me. I look over to the forest to see the beetle from before glowing red and he starts attacking the pirates. I take this time to push myself up. I stand up and dust off my pants before yanking the knife right out. I glare at the one who threw the knife. My glare sent shivers down the man's back and I flip the knife so I was now holding the bloody blade in my hand. I whip it at the man and he goes to dodge but the knife curves. The knife follows him and wedges it's self into the man leg.

"Bastard that's what you get for putting a knife in my back." I say and I see the beetle fall towards the ground. The Amigo Pirates start celebrating and I see the little girl beside the beetle. I pick up my daggers and I start twirling them again. I watch as the beetle starts walking towards the pirates and the little girl tries to stop him but she fails. Largo builds a huge metal cage for the beetle and the beetle starts flying into the cage.

"Hey you wait; I said wait." Luffy says ripping a hole in the net he was stuck in. "Can't you hear what I'm saying." Luffy yells and he punches the poor beetle. The beetle gets sent flying into the forest. "I'm not gonna let you go with these bastards. Giant Beetle you still haven't fought with me. We promised and I know that you remember."

"What are you doing? Can't you see that Boss was trying to sacrifice himself for the islands?" A villager yells.

"Shut up I don't care. I just want to fight him." Luffy yells.

"Is that it?" The whole village says and I chuckle.

"Do you have something to say?" Luffy yells at them and I see the girl start crying.

"I want to... I want to... be with Boss forever!" The girl yells and a small smile forms on my lips. "I want... to be... with Boss... on this island." She says while crying and I pull out a couple throwing stars. I go to throw the stars but the beetle distracts me. The beetle flies up into the sky and I take into account that he's different. He's now various shades of blue and he looks a bit bigger than before as well. He flies from the forest to where the three idiots are and he shoots fire at them. I use this time to throw my stars and cut the rope that's holding the nets to the tree branch. I walk over to the idiots and slice the nets to pieces for them.

"You're idiots." I quietly mumble and luckily none of the three hear me. The beetle suddenly falls and Largo puts a net out that catches the beetle before he hit the ground.

"It's not over yet. We won't let his last breath be wasted." Luffy says standing up now free of the net he was stuck in. I pull a knife out from my ankle holder and go to hit Luffy with it but he ducks just in time to avoid it. "What was that for? I haven't done anything yet." Luffy says giving me a confused look.

"Yeah you haven't done anything yet except let Largo ass hat catch you. When this is done I'm putting you through a training regimen from hell." I say with an evil gleam in my eyes which I see Luffy shrink away from.

"If I beat him it's fine right." Luffy says and I think about it for a second.

"I guess that'd work." I say and cut up the net Largo sends flying at me. I send him a glare and I see him slightly shiver.

"Who the hell you calling an idiotic ass hat?" Largo yells at me as he gestures for his men to get me. I let out a sigh and roll my eyes in annoyance.

"I only called you an ass hat and I don't wanna do this no more just let me go to sleep. You guys got boring a while ago." I say taking out the whole group that came after me. I jab a finger at Luffy before moving the finger to point at Largo and I look at Luffy to see him nod in understanding.

"Okay weird hat guy let's do this." Luffy says cracking his knuckles before attacking Largo and sending him flying down to the forest near the beach. I let out a sigh and walk over towards where Nami and Usopp are standing.

"That was kinda cruel Kaz." Usopp says and I glare at him.

"Shut the fuck up. My bad mood's returning so if you wanna keep all your limbs I'd suggest staying out of a two meter perimeter of me. If you venture inside that circle know your life is at risk and I will probably kill you because you say something I don't like." I say giving him a smile and Usopp quickly backs up three meters.

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