Arrested and trapped.

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My heart nearly stops in my chest as Granter says that sentence. 

  Arrested for conspiracy? Hayden?

  I take a step forward, but Granter makes a signal with his hand, and two hands latch onto my arms. "Let go of me." I glower. The guard doesn't even look at me, but keeps his eyes fixed on the scene before him, the one where Granter is putting hand shackles on Hayden. 

  "You can't do this." I shake my head, my voice coming out erratic. "What proof have you of any of this? Who gave this order and why wasn't I notified that something like this was going on?" Granter turns towards me and gives me a warning look. "Don't get involved in this Princess. I am telling you as a friend to keep out." I narrow my eyes. "You're telling me as a friend to let my friend get arrested for practically treason." I dead pan. He clenches his jaw and looks away from me, grabbing Hayden's arm and leading him towards the doorway. 

   I swallow hard, my mind scrambling for someway out of this. "Wait!" I call. Hayden's eyes flash at me as he gives me a warning, causing tears to well up behind my eyes. "Where are you going to take him?" Granter sighs, running a hand down the back of his neck. "To a cell. As of right now he is a traitor. Now return to your room and keep quiet if you know whats good for you." I swallow hard again, choking back a question as Hayden shoots me another look, glancing back and forth between me and the secret door where Magnus lives, as if telling me to keep quiet for him. 

 But that won't stop me. This isn't right. 

  Right as I make up my mind to go see the Counselor about it, the guard gently guides me towards my door, his hand staying firm on my elbow, but I am pretty sure his arm is shaking. Guards aren't allowed to touch any of the royal family unless it is under a direct order for their safety. So we make them nervous. That's strange. 

  As soon as we are inside my door, he lets go of my arm, and I wait for him to leave, but he doesn't. I swallow hard. 

 "You may leave now." I say firmly. He shakes his head. "Pardon highness, but I have orders to see to it you stay in your room. It's very late, and Captain Granter doesn't want you waking up the Counselor over this." He's sleeping?! Hayden is being arrested and he is sleeping?! That Sea snake!

 I sigh and glance towards the window, letting myself look tired to aid my story. "Well I was going to go to bed, but as long as you are here I suppose I shall have to stay up..." He suddenly straightens. "Sorry Ma'm. I'll leave right away. Beggin your pardon Highness." I nod my head towards him. "It's fine. You were under orders." He offers a short bow, and quickly exits the room, at a pace that for most guards would mean that it was on fire. 

   As soon as the door is shut I grab my shoes, slipping them onto my feet and silently opening the door. 

  The Counselor's room is only 3 halls over from mine, not much of a walk for me, which is unfortunate for the guards who were supposed to keep him from being waken. I start down the hall, and a door opens just as I pass it, revealing a powdered faced Luella. "Sen?" she asks blearily. "Sen what is going on and what in heaven's name are you doing marching about the halls at this time of night?"

 I sigh and glance up at her. "It isn't anything Sorry. I didn't realize that I was walking so loudly. I'll try to keep quieter from now on." 

I offer her a small smile, and she sighs nearly dragging a hand down her face before catching herself. "Whatever. Goodnight. You should get to bed too. Mother would not approve of you being awake this late." I nod at her, and turn to head down the hall. "Wait..." her steps trod behind me and I spin, startled by the vision in purple. She tilts her head. "What are you up to?"

 I grit my teeth and glance down the hall again. She isn't going to let me go. I sigh, turning back. "They arrested Hayden." 

her eyes widen sharply, and her hand drops from the doorframe. "What?! Why? What did he do this time?" I scowl. "This time?!" She shakes head head and waves her arm at me, purple sleeves flapping. "What did he do?"

 I shake my head in return and sigh. "I don't know. They said conspiracy against the king."

 Her face scrunches up sharply. "They think Hayden was working against our family? Why that is utter foolishness. I'll go speak to them in the morning and sort this out. That is ridiculous!" 

I shake my head again, suddenly cold. The halls are chilly this late at night. "I was going to go sort it out now. The Counselor is still sleeping. Sleeping while they arrest the crown prince's best friend!"

 She shoots a nervous look down the hall and grabs my arm. "Hush. Not so loud. It wouldn't do any good tonight. If you wake them up they won't listen and you will be in a heap of trouble. Go to sleep. We'll work it out in the morning."

   I shake my head again and pull away. "You'd leave him in the cell over night? That's cruel, Lu." She sighs, face tight. "If we don't, they won't listen. How would you feel if you were woken to accusations by an angry girl?" I frown, twisting my hands. She has a point. 

"Come inside Sem. I'll have Fanny bring tea." I shake my head, but allow her to guide me into her room. "I don't want to bother anyone. It's late." She laughs and brushes a strand of hair out of my face, but her mouth is still tight. "you always were the more practical one. But if you won't take tea you should head to bed. You could sleep on my couch." She offers, gesturing to the absurdly purple couch. I shake my head. "Thanks, but I'll head back to my room. I need to write Brayn." She gives me a sharp look, and I roll my eyes. "I really am going back to my room. As you say, it wouldn't do any good to try tonight. I'll go with you in the morning and talk to them. It's better that way." She gives me a skeptical look, and slowly nods. "Alright then. Night Sem. Sleep if you can. He'll be alright for one night." I shrug and pull the door open. 

I guess he'll have to be. But heaven help them come morning if they won't listen.  

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2019 ⏰

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