"J-Just hold still," I told him, a little frantic as to what I should do. I've never stepped on one before, but I've also never came across one. I didn't even know that the White Witches of the Council were this serious about capturing Black Witches. Didn't they know they could harm their own kind?

"I'm scared," he whispered, his voice even softer than before as he chewed on his bottom lip.

I swallowed. "I know, just...Stay still, all right? If you make even the littlest move, Louis, it could snap your foot off."

Louis sucked in a sharp breath and I know I only scared him more, but he needed to understand how serious it was for him to be still. So while he was fighting against tears, I racked my brain on how to get him out of the trap unharmed. As said before, I'm not in the mood to be reattaching someone's foot, and taking him to a hospital would be too risky for me. But something else dawned on me while I thought about solutions to get him out.

Why the fuck do I care?

I could leave him right now and finally travel in silence again. I could turn around and walk over, letting him either stand there or suck it up and get his foot detached from his leg. I could be a total dick and just sit here watching him, waiting for him to break. But for some damn reason, I didn't do any of those.

Something wouldn't let me.

"Please hurry," Louis chocked out as he stared at me with pleading, watery eyes. A lone tear rolled out of his blue eyes and down his flushed cheek as I stood there, still dumbfounded.

But then it came to me.

"I got it. Louis, keep...just stay still."

"No, I was thinking about just running off with my ankle half detached," he snapped sarcastically.

Instead of rolling my eyes like I've been doing all afternoon, I just ignored him as I knelt down by the trap, brushing the leaves out the way. Louis was confused, I could tell by the way he watched me, but things that have to be put together always have one thing; instructions. And to make a trap, you have to know how to break it as well.

Grabbing him would be too risky because as soon as his toes leave that metal surface, the mouth is going to snap shut. His foot might not come fully clear of it if I just yank him out of it, so these jumbled instruction were the best route for this situation.

"Ready." I asked. looking up at him as I caught sight of the knob twist, the knob that will blow the closing duration.

Louis squeezed his eyes close, barely nodding as he chewed his bottom lip. So I didn't wait any longer as I spun the daily to the left and jumped up, gripping his waist and pulling him out of the trap. But as soon as my hands made contact with his hips, a burning sensation feeling like fresh fire shot up through my arms, my teeth clenching from the unbearable pain. Louis held onto me as I pulled him out, but as soon as he was clear of the trap, I pushed him gently away from me, looking down at my rapidly burning hands.

They were red, blisters looking as if they were already trying to form as I scanned them over and over again. Louis was staring at me, utterly confused just as I was while I studied my nearly fried hands.

But then Louis' bracelet caught my eye.         

    "It's your bracelet," I told him as I sucked in a sharp breath through my gritted teeth, shaking my hands to rid the pain. "It won't let me touch you."       

      "W-why? I don't understand." Louis shook his head, distraught.              "Fuck." I groaned as the burning continued, gradually dying down. "A White Witch must've given it to you or some shit," I told him. "It's got a spell casted on it to keep black magic from harming you."

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