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Chapter 21

Rachael's pov

How many more surprises I could take in one day, I wasn't sure of.

After the encounter with Daniel and Jason discovering about Darren, I thought I was done for the day. What I didn't expect was a surprise from Darren himself. He was quiet, I mean he is a quiet child, but when it came to me he could interrogate better than FBI!

I had been resting to sleep off the emotions, when Darren had crept his way into my bed and watched me anxiously. I smiled at him not wanting him to be worried about me. Sometimes I wondered how a five year old could understand so many things in life that we the adults are always confused. My son was a unique gem undiscovered. It was those peoples' loss who judged him for not having a father. He had those qualities even those who rejected him didn't. He had love and acceptance for everything. Those were the basic traits every human should have yet we always lacked them. I couldn't find any one such as my son.

Darren was quiet, which really worried me, he should have been asking me all sorts of questions, starting from Jason. I doubted something was on his mind. But he didn't want to voice his thoughts. I let go of his unusual behavior. I couldn't deal with anything more, just have a peaceful sleep without Daniel on mind or weeping like a kid to sleep. So I hugged my son and let the silence become our comfort.


"Something is up with him, I know it. He didn't ask anything though. Can you believe it?" I ranted out all my thought to Mary in the morning during breakfast. It was weekend so Darren is sleeping in today. I should have too. But nightmares wouldn't let me, so I sought our Mary and poured her in about yesterdays happening and everything I have been thinking about.

"Rachael look at yourself! You have these pounds of bags under your eyes. Your skin has turned pale. In these two days you have started resembling your old self when you arrived here. Do you think Darren didn't notice that? You and I both know how observing he is. From the day Daniel has arrived you are out of your usual self. Darren was bound to know something is up with you too!"

Explained that way sense hit my head. Mary was right this whole week all I have been thinking was about Daniel. I didn't give quality time to Darren. We hadn't talked with each other about our days. I hadn't even asked him! Guilt was now seeping through my mind.

"Rachael, don't be like that. I know a lot is going on but you have to be there for Darren. I am not doubting your parental abilities, you are the best I have ever seen, but sometime people need to be reminded about things." Mary gave me a sympathetic look, my back tensed. She knew I didn't like to be pitied, so she hugged me and massaged my back, making me relax. The gesture made it seem okay. It wasn't sympathy she was giving, but comfort a mother could give a daughter.

Darren walked in and sat on my lap, hugging me and still sleepy.

"Aww. Looks like someone is still sleepy!" I teased him.

"Hmm." Was all he replied. He was such a baby sometimes. But he is a baby for me!

"How about we go out today? How about ice cream?" I asked him, hoping to make up what I missed.

Darren sat up straight, with an eager expression. He loved ice cream, I knew his weak points.

"Really?" boy was he excited.

"Yes, really!" I laughed at his enthusiasm.

"Can Lisa come too?" he asked. That was new. He had never invited anyone over ever. This girl must have really impressed him. I wanted some alone time with him, but if this girl made him happy then I could share my time with him.

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