chapter 8

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There was a planet which came into existence several years ago. It didn't have a name in English as it wasn't discovered by humans yet. (Lets call this planet "planet A for now")

It wasn't one of the original planets of the solar system, it was created by a series of complications which is unknown to any existing creature.

Planet A was the last planet and so it came after Neptune. It was the planet with the greatest exposure to the dark speck of the solar system.

This dark speck is a speck after our solar system. This speck has different characteristics at different points of time. Even the details of this are unknown to humans.

The existence of life on this planet started in the year 2017. The creatures living there had been living there for the past thirty three years.

Actually the story of the start of existence of life in this planet is interesting.

It started with something that was quite similar to the big bang theory. Even the dark speck was involved in this.

When this planet existed as a rock(the details of the formation of this rock was unknown to any creature as mentioned in the second paragraph) a sudden crash took place.

This wasn't powerful enough so as to be able to destroy the planet. By the help of this collision with a meteor an atmosphere could be created

So when the meteor collided with the rock the gases that it had, got transferred to the rock as the meteor was now in pieces.

The speck helped in keeping them on the planet due to a phenomina called repulsion between magnetized and non magnetized particles. It is said that the speck has some strong magnetized particles.

The gases started spreading around the planet again because of the dark speck.

Dark specks had given rise to many other planets in other galaxies.

Earth, planet A and Jupiter were the only planets in our solar system that were known for the existence of life on them.


Jupiter, despite of being the largest planet in the milky way had a very low population, It was even lower than planet A.

The species of Jupiter were quite different from humans. Their skin color was the only thing that was similar to humans.

They had arms but these were shorter than human arms. They had only two thick fingers in each palm, so they weren't good at holding a few things like a bowl in their hands.

They had laser eyes and X ray vision. They could slice almost anything with those laser eyes of theirs.

Their body was thick and short. Their bodies seemed to be bloated. They could be seen from far easily because of their size, and also because they couldn't change their shape.

One advantage of their bloated body was that they could fill some more air in them and float in the air as and when they wanted.

Their head was small, round in shape, with no hair, and the eyes occupied the most of it.

They required hydrogen for their survival which was a predominant gas on Jupiter.

Their feet were just as small as their arms. The base of their foot looked like the base of a lotus by their shape, they weren't that flat.

The creatures of planet A and the Jupiterians had a good relationship with each other while the humans didn't even know any thing.

The Jupiterians were the most active and the most advanced creatures in the milky way.

They were the first ones to discover the planet A and the creatures living there. At that time life on the planet had barely started.

So, some of them stayed and took up a mission called the mission A7.

This mission is a very famous mission in alien history because this was responsible for developing the most recent species in a few decades.

Both the creatures had done many things in the universe and helped each other a lot.

They have gone for many expeditions to discover different planets and figure out the existence of life on them in and after 2040.

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