chapter 4

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                           "Ouch!" I had just bumped into a woman

"Oh I'm so sorry!"

"Its ok". She said to me in a very low tone.

She was beautiful. But I could make out that she was egocentric and full of attitude after observing her for a while. She seemed so because of the her behaviour with the others at the table.

I have been with this company for nearly 6 years yet this was the first time I saw her. 

And I was quite surprised to see Chris laughing and chatting with her. As if he knew her.

I thought of asking him about it for a moment but then I couldnt. My sister had called me up and I had to leave so that I could look after my mother. So I had to board a flight to Germany immediately. 

She was in her 70's. That's not so old but she was suffering through skin cancer. It had reached its second stage by the time we got to know about it.

She needed good care and nursing by her family members. Each and every patient needs that. Even if it's a young person.

I'm a person who believes in treating the innocent equally.

I stayed at home to look after mom for a week. Her health had improved quite a lot by then.

Work started a week later. The daily routine was getting repeated for the umpteenth time, which included going to office, Checking the designs and the parts of machines made and intructing my juniors. It was kind of exciting, not that I didn't like my job, but doing the same thing for a long time makes things boring.

I mean to say that my job, the job of a head engineer is actually quite a covetted one. Not many people get this position, you can also be creative and you also get to meet many celebrities and other famous people but it has become a little monotonous for me lately.

My work in office is to check all the parts of machines manufactured and to initiate a check on the design of cars made by my junior engineers. The checking of the parts was some thing that was done daily. But the the initiation of the design of the new car was according to the instructions given by the company. I had to initiate the design of the new car ie make the basic design and then my juniors would continue it, and I had to check what they did. It's one whether I want to initiate only or make the whole thing.  

I had made many designs all on my own and some of them benefited zera(abreviation of zerracatti)

Once I had designed a car that could run on zanthophyde and it hopper. You could drive it on land, take it in the air, and come back to land and start driving it on land once again. And you could do that as much as you want as the specialised G reducers reduced the G force drastically so that you don't feel dizzy. And as far as the machinery was concerned it  was designed for that. I had won the best designer prize of the year 2040.

You can do some exciting stuff in this job but not every day. For this reason I needed a holiday. Though I didn't need it desperately. And then another thing was that I couldnt leave mom.

My dad was two years older than mom yet, by gods grace he was healthier than mom. 

We had a family of four including myself, my younger brother Nova, mom and dad.

We were a close knit family. Each and every member would participate in family matters.


"Sir, I just got a call from the headquarters, they said that the newly opened costa ricca branch needs your help. The have ordered you to leave next for San José week." A short boy of the management of this branch said to me in a polite tone.

"Ok ,so tell them that i'll leave in the week end"

"Ok sir"

Their purpose of sending me there for help was completely unknown to me. I mean they should send somebody from the management for help. But then I cant say this when I don't know about what kind of help they needed.

It was evening when I reached. The sun was still shining but it was about to set  in the west. The sky was clear and orangish red in color.

The scenery around, outside the San José airport was splendid. The scenery justified the name of Costa Rica for the country which means rich coast in Spanish. I mean it really looked like a rich coast.

I wasn't good at spanish. Infact I never learnt it, but this is what I got to know from one of my colleagues. I collected all the information about Costa rica that I could lay my hands on before coming cas I believe that it's always better to know something about the place where you are going. 

As soon as I was done with my tea at the airport I rushed to my hotel were I had to stay for at least a week. The time could be extended too on the company's directions.

Half the week passed by and I couldn't go for any sight seeing. All my time went in directing the branch manager as to what are the necessities for different kind of cars and choosing good engineers for that branch, and also  instructing the engineers as to how to work on different models of on- road and in- air cars.

For the in- air cars we didn't have much variety. Actually the in- air cars were the hoppers that I had designed. Some other models of it were also available which were variations of this.

For the on- road cars we had a large variety of about 100000 models. Every company needs this these days because of the growing population and the growing competition.

So for this reason there was a lot of work for me to do here, as I had to explain and examine stuff related to almost all the models

Once while I was on my way back from office I saw someone who seemed quite attractive to me. It was a lady. A tall lady with brown hair.

As my car went further I realized that I had seen her before. She was quite familiar to me but I couldn't recall why.

From her look and her body language I could judge that she was confused. Maybe she was confused about the way and didnt know which way to go, so as a good person I rolled the window  and asked her where she wanted to go.

At first she tried to avoid it, which was natural. I too would have given the same kind of a reaction.

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