"Okay, what? Talk to me babe." He let out a shaky breath and closed his eyes.

"I think we should take a break." He said in a soft whisper. My chest immediately started hurting and my heart felt like it had stopped. I think I'm gonna throw up.

"What?" I choked out.

"I'm just not ready for a relationship," he finally looked at me and I could just see how hurt he was. What the fuck made him decide on this bullshit? Who the fuck made him do this? "I moved too fast after Dallon and I broke up and I wasn't over him. I'm not over him."

"So you're leaving me to go back to that piece of shit?" I shouted, standing up and pacing toward the kitchen. "Did you forget he was cheating on you long before we even met?"

"I never said I was going back to him, Ryan. I just need time to get over him. Completely. I really did love him and I thought we were good for each other. I thought we'd be together forever and get married. But I fucked up everything between us and then I found out he was cheating on me and ... I just can't get over that if I'm with you."

"What the fuck are you even saying? How am I stopping you from moving on from that? I thought we were happy Bren? I thought we loved each other!" Brendon got up from the couch and walked toward me. "Stop. Don't fucking touch me." I put my hand up to stop him and he did. He stopped in front of me and looked even more hurt than he did when he got home.

"Ryan, I'm -"

"Just go. If you don't wanna be with me, if I'm just in your fucking way of getting over that piece of shit, then just go." I walked away from him, down the hall and into our - my bedroom and I slammed the door behind me.  

I guess Jon was right.


Message from: J. Walk

I don't understand. He can't get over him if he's with you? That makes no sense...

Message to: J. Walk

Yeah I know. I have no fucking idea what happened. He was perfectly fine this morning before he went to work. Smiling and laughing and I have no idea why he all of a sudden decides to break up with me. 

Message from: J. Walk

Maybe he ran into Dallon? That's always a possibility. He could have guilt tripped Brendon. Who knows. Talk to him about it.

Message to: J. Walk

I give up man. Fuck relationships. Fuck Dallon and fuck Brendon. Fuck goddamn everything. Gonna get some sleep, ttyl. 

I turned my phone on silent and sent it down on the side table, the screen facing down. How is it that this always happens to me? Am I cursed? What the fucking fuck?

I haven't left my room since I came in here almost seven hours ago. I have no idea if Brendon is still here or not. But it's quiet. He would have came in to get his things if he left, I'm sure. It's almost midnight. Maybe he ran back to Dallon. Good. Their meant for each other. Stupid assholes. I hope they both fucking die unhappily together. 


"Ryan! Get the fuck up!" I opened my eyes to see Jon standing over me.

"What? What's up?" I yawned and closed my eyes again.

"Brendon's in the hospital. Get the fuck up and let's go!" With that, I got out of bed in half a second, got dressed in whatever was lying on the floor and I slipped on my shoes and left the building with Jon.

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