Chapter 7

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Greg's POV
There stood before me, the most gorgeous person I had ever seen;I was happy to be able to call my girl. She wore a tight dress which was cut off half way down her thigh which was complimented with the matching black earnings I had previously bought her. Her naturally wavy hair spiralled from brown to honeycomb.

Isabel wasn't like all the other heavily made up girls.
She looks real, not fake.
She's beautiful.

I stood there, unable to utter any words other than 'wow!' She giggled her adorable laugh before pecking my lips and walking inside. "Where are we going then?" A smile played upon her mouth.

I laced our fingers together, "well.  We are staying here tonight. I've prepared us a meal!" I announced, proud at how much effort I put into this. "Aww baby- that's so sweet!" Isabel placed another sweet kiss on my lips, leaving the taste of her in my mouth. I couldn't help but smile to myself - she had such a strong effect on me.

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