She held his face in her hands and kissed him, breathlessly she finally spoke "Adam, Trudy drove me nuts with wedding plans, skipping all of that mess is perfect. Plus, we can have a huge party afterwards"

"Let's do it" he smiled.


Ugh, Jesus Adam, nothing in this damn closet fits!" Kim yelled from the bedroom, Adam in the living room staying out of her way, "are you ready?"

He paused the video game and went in their bedroom, "Darlin', you look-"

"Fat! Go on, you can say it" she huffed her belly had exponentially, "I feel like a whale" she sat down on the bed, "I'm not going"

He stifled his laughter, "You are many things, fat is not one of them" he sat beside her, "you look great, and you have to come" he kissed her cheek, "how's that baby of mine treating you this afternoon?"

She groaned "kicking the shit out of me" she rubbed her belly, "all it does is kick, all the time. I'm pretty sure it has ADHD, it's never still"

"I doubt that" he smiled, "we need to leave soon, you know"

"I do" she stood up straightening the dress, "this will have to do" she had finally broken down and bought maternity clothes.

"Baby showers are for chicks, right? So why am I going?" Jay asked as they pulled up in front of the venue, "I can't believe Ruzek let Kim talk him into this, she must carry his balls around in her purse" he laughed, pulling the door open for Erin.

"Yea, she does. Just like I have yours" she teased him, "be happy for them, he's your best friend"

"Oh, I'm happy for him. I'd be much happier at home with you, but I'm happy" he laughed, surprised to find Adam and Kim the only ones there.

"Where's everyone else?" Erin asked hugging Kim, "my god you've got to be the cutest pregnant woman on the face of the earth" she smiled.

Kim pointed at Adam, "how much he pay you to say that?"

"Stop it Kim, you look great"

"Thank you Lindsay. I've been trying to tell her that all morning, she didn't believe me" Adam wrapped his arm around Kim, "how's it going Halstead?"

"Good, tell me other people are coming to this party"

"Yea, we had you guys come a little earlier, we wanted to ask you both something" Kim said leading them to the table, "sit down"

Jay pulled the chair out for Erin, "everything okay?"

"Yea, perfect" Adam handed Jay a bottle of beer, "we want to know if you'll be our baby's godparents"

"Absolutely" Erin said, "we'd be honored, thanks"

Adam grinned, "tell them the rest" he smiled.

Kim laughed and held her hand and Adam's up.

"What the hell?" Erin screeched, grabbing their hands, "when did this happen?"

"A few weeks ago, we've just kept it quiet" Kim told her, "today we are going to tell everyone, I just hope Trudy doesn't kill me"

"Yea, darlin', I'm running when she finds out" he laughed.

"Don't be a baby" Kim laughed, "she's gonna be happy for us"

As the room filled with guests, and more presents than they thought they could ever open they decided to make their announcement, Adam grabbed the microphone and cleared his throat, "Hey everyone, I need just a few minutes of your time" Kim coming to stand beside him, "while we invited everyone here to celebrate the impending birth of our kid, it's not the only reason" he smirked, "I'd like you to meet the newest Ruzek, my wife"

The room erupted into applause, "thanks, as they say the third times the charm" Adam smiled, Kim elbowed him "all kidding aside, we know some of you may be disappointed that we didn't have a big wedding, but it was what was best for us"

"We hope you understand, and can forgive us" Kim smiled at Trudy, "Trudy, can you forgive me?" She asked.

"Of course, believe it or not I'm not the hard ass you all think I am" she laughed, "I'm happy for you guys"


Didn't edit, sorry.

This may be the last update for awhile, going through some personal stuff and this won't be a priority at all. While it's a great stress reliever my mind is all over the place lately.

Thanks for hanging in.

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