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He was watching his best friend since... forever, crying... he never saw him crying... NEVER. He felt useless standing like that... in the pouring rain... watching the gravestone and the things written on it. He wanted to cry, but he couldn't. He once told himself that he will never be crying again and since then he couldn't make himself cry. He felt his grief taking over him, but he just couldn't.


Even if the ceremony ended an hour ago, Aatami didn't move from his initial spot. His black and long hair was sticking to his face and his clothes were soaked, but he couldn't make his feet move, not even an inch.

"How could she do this to them... to him? Just... how?" Isaac thought.


After a while Isaac started moving his lips and then he began to talk. "C'mon, dude! You'll get a cold. Let's go home!"

"NO!" The asian boy shouted.

"Look! I've been patient with you all this time, since kindergarten, I know you loved her, but sitting here won't bring her back. Okay!?" Isaac was already red with anger.

And then...

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