chapter 11- people you wish you never knew

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A/N No idea if any of y'all read these but ahwell. This is gonna be the last update for like 2 weeks or so as i have exams for the next couple of yep see you then.

Conor's P.O.V.

Megan had just left Jack and I to call Alyssa. I didn't mind, I loved these little catch ups with Jack. We continued along the beach just talking about how he was getting on at home without me. I missed mum's home-made dinners more than food itself. Atleast Nando's was always an option. 

"Hey Jack, wanna go get ice cream?" I asked nodding towards the peir. 

"Sure, let's go." We continued up to the ice cream van and ordered 3 cones. 

"Conor baby!" I recognised that voice as soon as it hit my ears. Ruby.

"Hey Rube." I replied putting on a fake smile. She engulfed me in a hug. Ruby has bleach blond hair that extends the length of her back and gorgeous brown eyes. I definitely fell for her looks before. Then she turned out to be a cheating slut. So yep. (A/N making this up guys)

"When did you get back?" She asked, grinning at me with lust filled eyes. 

"Today actually. Was just getting ice cream for a friend. Right Jack?" I asked, pleading him with my eyes to help me out of this situation. 'Sorry' he mouthed before grabbing two cones and walking off towards Megan. So jealous right now. Megan has more personality in her pinky toe than Ruby has in her whole body. 

"Let's catch up Con," she said before dragging me away into the town. She clearly just wanted to show off that I was back in town again and that she was with me. Ew. She began boring me with her usual chat about shoes and makeup and blah blah blah. I thought of all the times we had together. A sudden realisation hit me. I didn't enjoy any of them. They were all fake. I couldn't help but comparing her to my fans. They are so full of life and enthusiasm and never fail to make me laugh. they are real human beings. Ruby is more like barbie on steroids.

"Let's go clubbing." 

"No, you know I like going out in public without my guys." 

"Well your coming Conor so lighten up and plus. You're with me." She said while grinding up against me. I could smell the make-up and desperation radiating off her. So I gently pushed her off me. 

"No. Let's just go to Nando's or something."

"Ew fine. I'll gain some weight for you." 

"Seriously? You won't gain weight from one Nando's and you only ever get salads anyways." God she really annoyed me. Girls don't need to worry about weight. Seriously. Eat food and I'll join you and well get obese together. Hehe. 

We decided to skip Nando's. I didn't want to hear her complain anymore. We walked aimlessly around for a while. Out of no-where she pinned me up against a wall and crashed her lips onto mine. I pushed her off me and wiped my lips. Stupid lipstick. 

"Go away. You had your chance long ago, you blew it." 

"Baby, don't be like that." She pleaded trying to get closer to me. 

"No. Leave me alone Ruby." Those are the last words she will hear from me for a god time. I briskly walked towards home. I heard shouting and looked up to see Jack and Megan skipping up the street singing the wizard of oz. That should be me. But noooo little ms plastic had to drag me away from them. Imagine the amount of fun they had without me. Clearly a lot. I walked into the house and silently locked the door behind me. I walked into the room I am sharing with Megan. She's out cold, awk bless. I silently crawled into the camper bed removing clothes and drifting off to sleep, imagining what us 3 shall do tomorrow.

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