chapter 4-hit the floor

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Caspar's P.O.V

The look on her face is priceless. She is in such shock that she can't seem to keep her mouth closed. Alysaa was screaming her head off at the other side of me. These girls seriously love him waaaaay to much. I caught Tommy's eyes and we both started laughing at Lyssa. Megan was still staring at him not moving, expressionless. I leant over to her and whispered in her ear, "Happy Birthday sweetie."

"Caspar you didn't." She finally said turning towards me in disbelief. I nodded in confirmation. She let out a squeal and engulfed me in a hug. I could see him looking at us from the stage with an enormous smile on his face. This is what he works for. To see his fans as happy as they can be just because of him. It must be the best feeling in the world.

Megans P.O.V

Caspar did this. He brought him here. For me. I love him soooo much right now. I jumped in front of him and bumped him into my seat. I flashed a cheesy grin at him and began singing and dancing with Alyssa. He chuckled at our stupid reactions as the twins slid into the seats next to him.

I drew my attention back towards the stage. My one and only idol was singing his heart out as the female population shouted his name. I felt like crying this was so emotional for me. Alyssa grabbed my hand giving me a reassuring squeeze. The song finished and we both screamed our lungs out.

"How are we all doing?" was the first words he said. It still hadn't sunk in that Conor Maynard was standing right in front of me.

Shrilling screams filled the room, along with mines and lyssa's. "I'm going to slow things down a bit for this little number, hope you all enjoy."

So crazy to see you smiling, Heard he makes you feel incredible,  But I don't wanna hear about it, Coz I'm the fool that let you go, I wish that I could turn away, I can't watch him my place,  Maybe I'm just jealous

I zoned out every noise that was surrounding me except his beautiful voice. I kept my gaze fixed on the stage in front of me. I lost all sense of my surroundings and was completely captivated in my own head. Conor dragged his gaze away from the rest of the school and caught my eye contact. An immediate grin grew on my face. He reflected my grin and slowly drew the mic up to his mouth.    

So baby just in case he makes the mistakes that I did, And he don't see what I miss Just promise me you won't forget, You don't have to settle for less, Promise that you never never never ever ever, Promise that you never never never ever ever, Ever forget me

I danced along to the rest of my favourite song with Alyssa, my eyes not once leaving the stage. This song had always meant so much to me, whether it reflected past relationships or I loved how deep the song was. It just always struck a feeling deep inside me that was impossible to miss. The song finished without warning and I automatically began cheering and shouting. Conor waited for the noise to die down before making an announcement of his own, "And of course the real reason I am here, with courtesy of someones amazing friend Caspar, to say a very Happy Birthday to your very own Megan Casey."

Oh no. This is it. I can feel the whole schools eyes on me right now. I can feel my legs going weak and I'm losing my vision. i know I'm going to faint. the last thing I remember seeing is the floor moving towards me and an increasingly fast pace...


So I decided to upload a little early cause I'm off for easter break and got bored. So yup this is really short, writers block? Next chapters longer I promise. Vote, comment maybe? Only if you want to I dont really mind so yep. 

An act of kindess goes a long way in the world. Just keep that in mind.

Right bye. 

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